I OS stoppped loading then I found out there were bad sectors. I fixed them and resintalled windows 7(to C:,same old partition). I am moving to Widnows 8. So should I install the new OS on a different partition? (I am getting rid of Windows 7). CHKDSK fixed bad sectors. is it ok to resintall to the same partition or should I choose a different one?

If the tool indicated that the sectors where fixed, you should be Ok to install on the same partition. However, bad sectors are generally an indication of a problem with the drive. Its not normal to encounter bad sectors. You may consider monitoring the situation, maintain current backups of your data and a plan to replace the drive in the event that you continue to encounter bad sectors.

Are the new bad sectors likely to occure in the same physical area? if so could it be dangerous to install windows again to the same drive becasue new ones can occure close to the c: parition again?

What is the duration I should recheck and run CHKDSK again?

Usually how long does it take for new bad sectos to occur (there were 5 dots in HD tune scanning) ? how long before the total destrcution? thanks.

Are the new bad sectors likely to occure in the same physical area? if so could it be dangerous to install windows again to the same drive becasue new ones can occure close to the c: parition again? What is the duration I should recheck and run CHKDSK again? Usually how long does it take for new bad sectos to occur (there were 5 dots in HD tune scanning) ? how long before the total destrcution? thanks.

I'm not sure that anyone can provide this info. When it comes to mechanical components in your computer, the question is not whether they will fail, but how long before they fail. All components will eventually fail. I've had drives that have lasted a few weeks, and others years. My experience has been with drives that bad sectors could be an indication of a bigger problem. I'm not trying to add additional fear that the drive will fail. As a matter of fact it will fail eventually. If this is the first time you have encountered an issue, I wouldnt worry too much, just keep an eye out. If you run into errors, blue screens, etc.., re-run the diagnostics, but protect your data.

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