Every time I reboot my laptop it gets new static ip address,
I login to unix servers using ssh, every time I have to manually export DISPLAY to actual ip address, is there any way I can automatically get the ip address of machine from where I am logining in?

I presume you are trying to do X11 tunneling?

Is your laptop running *nix or Windows? If Windows, what software are you using to connect?

I presume you are trying to do X11 tunneling?

Is your laptop running *nix or Windows? If Windows, what software are you using to connect?

I am running windows, I start wrq reflection in window, and then connect to unix server via secure shell client.

Until now I'd never heard of Reflection X, so my help may be inadequate.

According to the online documentation [ 1 ], you should have a connection option checkbox labelled "Tunnel X11 connections". Make sure it is checked.

If you don't have that option (versions 12.0-13.0.3) you'll have to enable port forwarding using a few other steps (see the link for details).

Technical doc 1814 [ 2 ] takes you through the steps of configuring your SSH program to use X11 port forwarding. (If you haven't done this already --by default SSH programs don't do this.)

I hope this helps.

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