Sorry in advance if this is in the wrong forums but I am new here and was not too sure where to post for help. Onto business I was wondering if anybody knows how to convert a number that has a decimal point in it (example: 0.31) into binary? I have been tasked to do it but everywhere I look is no help and was wondering if anybody here could shed some light onto this?

Thanks in advance,

You are talking about floating point.
Dependent upon the data format typically IEEE
32-bit SPFP Single-Precision Floating-Point
64-bit DPFP Double-Precision Floating-Point
80-bit Double-Extended Precision Floating-Point

there are three components.
A sign bit, typically the MSB.
The Exponent
the Mantissa.
So 1.0 in 32-bit using IEEE would be


32-bit SPFP
Sign:{31}     Exponent:{30...23}    mantissa:{22...0}
64-bit DPFP
           63                        62...52                         51....0
           79                         78...64                         62....0

There's an implied (1) bit at bit 63.

e.g.: 0.25
0.25 * 2 = 0.5 --> 0*2^(-1)
0.5 * 2 = 1.0 --> 1*2^(-2)
--> (0.25)decimal = (0.01)binary

0.25 = 0x3e800000
0.01 = 0x3c23d79a = 0.0099999998

Or fixed point BCD (2 places)

Hey thanks mate this has helped a great deal! +rep

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