Hey, peeps ...

Any comp sci ppl out there in internet land?

I'm trying to do my CSC110 homework but because of my car accident I wasn't in class for the last 2 lectures. I was wondering of someone might be able to give me a hand with minterms, maxterms, and canonical sums and products.

Anyone know this stuff?

nevah mind ... got it all figured out :P

Holly cow, Quantum phisics or somthin ? I would never make it in that class; as soon as the teacher started to ramble I would have to walk out..... just kidding kiddo, I hope you're ok from the car mishap. were you driving in the city? anything new on lawnguylan? stay well =Carmine=

Hey there, thanks. Yeah I'm all fine now - that thread was from October 2002! ;) There was another thread from back than with details of exactly what happened if you're interested. (I'm pretty sure, anyways)

I'm glad I don't have this anymore :-) In stead I can play with microcontrollers :-)

Hi there
Please, can someone help me with my Computer Science class 160?
It's about machine cycle (LOAD, ADD, JUMP...) and algorithm.

Hi there
Please, can someone help me with my Computer Science class 160?
It's about machine cycle (LOAD, ADD, JUMP...) and algorithm.

Start a new thread, this one is 7 years old. ;)

what got u interested in the field of computer science

pleease answer my question

how does newton's laws apply to a toothpicks bridge

I don't know but if you wait another 3-5 years I'll up this thread with an unrelated question for solidarity's sake.

commented: Too good +2
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