hi all

I am having some problems with my computer architecture tutorials.
Could any help me...below are the questions.

A) Using expression R = A*C/B-D/E, discuss how the different address format machines
execute this expression and highlight the flexibilities offered by the different formats
in term of programming.

B) The CPU consists of registers such as MAR, IR, MBR, PC and also address buses
and data buses. The IR is further divided into the op-code and operand parts.
Use a diagram to show how the above components are linked and discuss how they
affect the number of addressable locations, number of different instructions present
in the computer and the data transfer rate.

Hi I saw your post and I'm also having the same problem. Have you found the solution coz I still haven't.

A) if i am not mistaken postfix and prefix form of expressions are used. you can try google with "postfix expression" and "prefix expression"

B) I am lazy.... :)

could explain me in more detail and sorry i may sound silly what do you mean by postfix and prefix form?

A) if i am not mistaken postfix and prefix form of expressions are used. you can try google with "postfix expression" and "prefix expression"

B) I am lazy.... :)

our normal expression style(infix) is very hard to calculate for computer. so these form of expressions are created.
simply postfix means first write numbers to calculate then write the arithmetic signs.
ex. (A+B) / (C-D) ----> AB+CD-/

web lecture

prefix means write the arithmetic signs then the numbers to calculate.

ex. (A+B) / (C-D) ----> /+AB-CD

a tip : you carry the signs out of the paranthesis they belong. if your expression doesn't contain paranthesis. you can put as long as you don't change the evaluation order.

so how can computers do these calculation. its fairly simple if you know stacks... just pushing and poping but when a sign is pushed or poped, you do the calculation...

you need to check the web, plenty of information can be found there...

good luck...

thanks for your help. yesterday i read through my books again and yes! now I know what's postfix and prefix.
Are you a lecturer ? Anyway can i add you in my yahoo messenger if you have any?

no problem.
no, i am just a student of computer engineering.
you can find my email in the public profile.

cool see you there. have a nice weekend.

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