Member Avatar for jack54

Hi everybody.
I have a clothes and shoes Template with for example created buttons : "numericstepper" and "size" for shoes.
I used "-visible=false;" and that is very good. But now, I wish to see these buttons "numericstepper" and "size in the shoes item and never in "bags" or "clothes" items..... I don't know how to do.
Here is the end of my file...
Can you help me please ? I am searching for a long time the reply...
Thanks a lot,


_parent.meuScroll.scroller._y = 0; //GET SCROLLBAR TO THE TOP

_parent.des.description_txt.html = true;
_parent.des.description_txt.htmlText = "NOM DU PRODUIT : "+loadName+"<br /><br />"+"PRIX : € "+loadPrice+"<br /><br />"+loadDescription;


how about show us the database schema, and your full sql select statement, and you don't need to post the html code, just the sql code

Member Avatar for jack54

Really sorry, I don't understand what you mean about sql code. I have some xml files and a
My English is not very good...
I beg your pardon. Can you explain again please ?

This part

But now, I wish to see these buttons "numericstepper" and "size in the shoes item and never in "bags" or "clothes" items..... I don't know how to do.

You are selecting these from a database I assume, so what tables and columns are you using?

Member Avatar for jack54

Thanks for your reply. Here is pictures. You will see what I select, and I join my Hope you will be able to help me.

Little hard to read through the translation. I would say to add a node or attribute to your xml document that you read in that sets a variable of whether to display it or not.

This really isn't a database question, I would suggest moving it to the correct forum for a little more assistance.

Member Avatar for jack54

oh, sorry.... I didn't understand....

Nothing to be sorry about, just directing you to the place that will you get more answers.

Member Avatar for jack54

Ok dear, I have changed it....

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