I am new to MySQL and did not notice this before. In order to get the query to work I have to use two different quote marks. Notice that the single quotes on the left where I list the column names are from the keyboard key with the tilde `~ and the single quotes on the right are from the keyboard key with the double quotes ‘ “. This seems strange to me. What am I missing?

CREATE TABLE `indiant1_indiantreaty`.`events`
(`recordNum` INT (6) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT PRIMARY KEY COMMENT 'unique record number',
`Type` VARCHAR(20) NOT NULL COMMENT 'xxxxx Could be an enumeration',
`eventName` VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL COMMENT 'The name of event',
`aka` VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL COMMENT 'Another name of the event',
`date` DATE NOT NULL COMMENT 'Date of the event',
`site` VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL COMMENT 'site of the event',
`description` TINYTEXT NOT NULL COMMENT 'description of the event',
`Signers` VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL COMMENT 'A list of signers',
`links` VARCHAR(255) COMMENT 'A list of significant links of signer',
`extra1` VARCHAR(255) COMMENT 'Temporary extra column',
`extra2` VARCHAR(255) COMMENT 'Temporary extra column',
`extra3` VARCHAR(255) COMMENT 'Temporary extra column'
) ENGINE = MYISAM COMMENT = 'Indian Signers Table';

1). You probably donot have the
`indiant1_indiantreaty` database
2). you already have the `events` table.

I ran your query and it showed no errors except for the database `indiant1_indiantreaty` didnot exist.

If it is case 1., create your database first, then execute the statement

If it is case 2. Drop table `event` and execute the query.

I hope I am correct and did not miss out anything.

Regards ...

The query is valid. The issue is the type of single quotes you have to use. Can you see the difference between ` and ' in the query example?
When I just use ‘ throughout the query I get an invalid query. I hope that makes sense.

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