Hi i have created a website for my client using PHP and mysql . The client need to backup a table in database as excel file every day. Well he had no idea about coding and all ... He need to backup using a simple way. Please anyone let me know how can i do it using php script or any easy software for that.....

Please help me

This is karthi from chennai . u need excel format table report , U write a program poi or mysql cronjob coding .. otherwise u have table
go to mysql gui tool and select browser select table and execute and then choose file --> export --> which format ui wand excel , pdf, html click it ...

Instead of taking the lengthy route of a backup through a script, you could just as well use the 'SELECT...INTO OUTFILE' query to backup the data to a CSV file. You could put this command into a file and then use the crontab to run this daily. This would be much easier than writing a script.

Well he had no idea about coding and all ... He need to backup using a simple way.

Never tell to such clients to use MySQL GUI, most of the time they destroy things :-)

@karthik1983 : Read what the OP wants and try to understand it before posting stuff and

9894153527 call me if u any doubt

avoid this nonsense, if you have something to share, share it with all. It's just one of those forum's rules that you agreed to while registering as a member here.

You can simply go to export option and there you can save data in required file format

You can simply go to export option and there you can save data in required file format

Read the previous posts, a poster has already been adviced about this. And tell me how is he going to do this activity on a daily basis ?
Open the GUI program daily and do it ?

The previous poster was making the same mistake. Think for a while before posting stuff like this.

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