Hey there everyone, i am wanting to do some college and do game design and programming.

What languages should i learn, which ones would be the best?
what is the main used language used for game programming now days?

C++ is among the top of the widely used languages for games. It retains the quick execution speed of C, and brings in much needed and required things such as objects and class inheritance (OOP). Naturally, you'd be using graphics libraries with this, such as OpenGL or DirectX. Possibly even also pre-made engines (Unreal, Crytek, etc.) if you have the hundreds to thousands of dollars.

Programming language aside, you'll also need a very strong understanding of advanced mathematics, for 3D math.

Game programming is very good job, but you need to understand
data structure, math, C/C++. and play a lot games, too. Also you need to send a lot time to google, code, debug and pizzas & coke.

This url: http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/ASIN/1556229119/
has has some books are useful. Good luck :) :-)

C++ is the main one used for gaming, but I have a feeling soon enough it'll move to C#. Anyway here are some subjects I've taken that you'd need.

1) C++ (beginner, int. , advanced)
2) C++ Data Structures
3) Game Dev (w/ either DirectX or OpenGL) Prefer DirectX
4) College Algebra I & II
5) Trigonometry
6) Linear Algebra
7) Discrete Mathematics
8) Porting
9) AI Dev.

Just to name a few. Oh and most importantly patience and lots of it.

Have you tried doing some game design before?

can you post c++ sample code for gaming? SNIP

In addition to what raven said, computer graphics is an obvious one. Might want to take GUI programming as well.

Hey there everyone, i am wanting to do some college and do game design and programming.

What languages should i learn, which ones would be the best?
what is the main used language used for game programming now days?

The visual basic & java script language is best.
The main language is the java script. Use this language. Your game design and programming will be completed please send me.
Best Of Luck.

I also have a keen interest in game designing. I would suggest you to learn graphics under c if you know C language. Its very easy if you know C language, I myself learned it with help of a book "Graphics under C by Yashwant Karnetkar" . I have tried some simple games like snake xenia , bricks, packman and learned a lot. Try learning this language I'm sure you will find it interesting.

Hi Jamada,
If you're really interested in game designing you should consider the java programming language for your work, because it support the use of objects in its execution.

Hi Jamada,
If you're really interested in game designing you should consider the java programming language for your work, because it support the use of objects in its execution.

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