I am new to macromedia flash mx and just wondering if any one can help me get started and make a game. i have been playing around with flash and can make some animations and moving charachters but not a whole objective type game. please help me. thanks

i make a game with the use of flash but i want ti make more interactive what will i do,can you offer me or send codes to make the game more interactive

i make a game with the use of flash but i want ti make more interactive what will i do,can you offer me or send codes to make the game more interactive

Ahaha! It's called reading up on the subject and understanding what it is you're actually doing. I can't just "send you codes" to make your game better. That, and your post was so incredibly vague. Nice try :P

As for developing games in Flash MX, does that version use Actionscript 2.0? Or does it still use 1.x? AS 2.0 is good enough for making games, and 3.0 is great too, but version 1 (if MX uses it) is definitely not so great.

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