Hy I want to install ubuntu on android netbook using a usb data link and my pc
I have seen on the web a video where is used and eeepad from asus
Can I do this with my goclever i102 netbook?
Thank you in advance

I would recommend you to ask this question on goclever forum on similar as daniweb mobile development is more about programming issues not hardware and software requirments

all you need to do is download universal usb boot, then download ubuntu, then just run the usb boot, it will run u through a tutorial , you select the version of unubuntu u downloaded, then it installs, then you restart your computer, boot from ur usb and Voala!
it will then just ask if you want to install ubuntu or just test it, I recommend you test it, because I did NOT like ubuntu and it cost me 120 for a new copy of windows to figure it out

and since ur machine is android powered and not a normal PC im not sure if you can use my last method, if not tho! and ur machine is truly an android powered device then there is an app in the app store which installs linux do some research and goodluck!

This netbook dosen't have a bios or it is not available via del or f1 f2 f8 f12 from what I seen this android based netbooks have only a recovery mode that allows you with a usb data link cable to remotely install windows or linux on them oh and they don't have any optical cd dvd.Take a look at this Click Here
Thank you

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