I have been working on a program. When I have stumbled across a problem I post it here and get the problem solved. I appreciate all the help I have received.
Now I am needing to find a decent reporting add on. Something decent but won't make me place another mortgage on my home to purchase. I have attempted to use the reporting in vs2005 standard but I have read that i can not pass parameters to the report. I need this for my program. Any ideas? Thanks in advance.

I have been looking at Crystal Reports and DevExpress. Both are a little out of my range. Don't really want to bite that big of a bullet for a report.

generate sqldataadapter first and generate data set to use in your crystal reportfile (when first time you set connection while you add new crystal report file)

Private Sub btnView_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnView.Click
        Dim DS As New DataSet
        Dim CRData As New YourCrystalReportFileName
        CRVOrtu.ReportSource = CRData
        CRVOrtu.SelectionFormula() = "{TableName.Nis}='" & Trim(txtNo.Text) & "' "
    End Sub

I would advice you to try with Telerik. Among the other cool products, they also provide a reporting solution. Here is a link to their website http://www.telerik.com/products/reporting/overview.aspx

Their reporting cost $599, which seems to be a reasonable price for the feature-rich solution they offer.

Thanks. I have decided to go with DevExpress.

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