Hi, Dear my friends,

I has been using python for a while. But I just realized that when you make a copy of python class, it is copying a link to the class. So when you make the change to the attritutes of objects, it will change other attributes in other copied objects. That is not what I want. I have 30+ attributes in the class. SO I do not want to copy attribute by attributes. I tried copy.deepcopy but not work. Is there any suggestions on this? Many thanks inadvance.



So when you make the change to the attritutes of objects, it will change other attributes in other copied objects.

This is what a copy is. I think you may want separate instances of the class.

class some_class:
   def __init__(self, msg):
      print msg

if __name__== "__main__":
   class_list=[some_class("test "+str(x)) for x in range(0, 2)]
   print "two different classes...see"
   for j in range(0, 2):
      print "     id for", j, id(class_list[j])
   print "first var=%d but second var=%d" % (class_list[0].var, class_list[1].var)

For the time being, __always__ print the class id's during testing. It is possible to think you have 2 instances of the class when you instead have two pointers to the same class.

Edit: If this in not what you want, post again with more detail on what result you want to achieve.

Thanks so much for your quick reply. Yes. I need to have 1000+ instances of a class. Also the number of attributes in the class may change so I do not want to make the change in copying the class object as I am writing function to deal with the copy of class.

I am using elcipse so that what are copied in each of class objects in debug mode.

By the way how I can copy the instances of a class with many attributes? I tried both assignment and COPY.deepCopy. Both are failed.

Thanks a lot.

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