
i am new in .Net2.0,Before this i had familier with .net1.0.
i had written the code for insertion of values in database throgh form & i m getting it successful,Now i want to display the database values in the respective textboxes as i selected one value from the listbox on the selectedindex_changed event.
for this i had written the following code.

Private Sub LoadSelectedRecord()
Dim con As OracleConnection
Dim cmd As OracleCommand
Dim dr As OracleDataReader
Dim strSelect As String


strSelect = "SELECT * FROM tblTimingMaster WHERE sTimingName = '" & Replace(lstsearch.Text, "'", "''") & "'"
con = New OracleConnection(System.Configuration.ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings("DeepakConnectionString").ConnectionString)

cmd = New OracleCommand(strSelect, con)
dr = cmd.ExecuteReader()

' Loop through the result set using the datareader class.
' The datareader is used here because all that is needed
' is a forward only cursor which is more efficient.
Do While dr.Read()
txtenglish.Text = dr.Item("sTimingName")
If Not IsDBNull(dr.Item("sTimingNameInMarathi")) Then
txtmarathi.Text = dr.Item("sTimingNameInMarathi")
txtmarathi.Text = ""
End If

If Not IsDBNull(dr.Item("sTimingNameInGujrathi")) Then
txtgujrati.Text = dr.Item("sTimingNameInGujarati")
txtgujrati.Text = ""
End If

If Not IsDBNull(dr.Item("sTimingNameInKannada")) Then
txtkannada.Text = dr.Item("sTimingNameInKannada")
txtkannada.Text = ""
End If



Catch e As OracleException
MsgBox(e.Message, MsgBoxStyle.Information, "Deepak Fertilizer")

Catch e As Exception
MsgBox(e.Message, MsgBoxStyle.Information, "Deepak Fertilizer")
End Try
End Sub
then called this method on selectedindex_changed event of listbox.
but don't able to get the desired outpt. & getting the message that unable to find the specified column in result set.....why this is so??????
reply me as soon as possible.


Hi, I would change the way you are doing this. This might just be a personal preference, but I would rather load the result into a GridView then add the GridView items to the list.

Dim conn1 as Data.SqlClient.SqlConnection(STRING)
Dim SELECT1 as String
SELECT1 = "Your Select String"
Dim GridViewX as new GridView
Dim DataTableX as new data.datable
Dim Adapter1 as new Data.SqlClient.SqlDataAdapter(SELECT1, conn1)
GridViewX.DataSource = DataTableX

Dim NumRows as Integer
NumRows = GridViewX.Rows.Count - 1
Dim NewItem as ?New? ListItem

Do While NumRows >=0

NewItem.Text = GridViewX.Rows(NumRows).Cells(COLUMN-NUMBER).text
NewItem.Value = GridViewX.Rows(NumRows).Cells(COLUMN-NUMBER).text

NumRows = NumRows - 1


That should populate the list with the items.

Also, remember, your cell column starts with 0, not 1

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