I am developing a program to gather information from the client. I have apache tomcat web server and all the client have one client program to communicate to the server. I want to make this connection http for security reason but i know how can i do this. It is advisable to connect to client's ServerSocket using servlet and fetch up the information from it ? Or any other method except RMI to invoke client to return information to the server in http manner. If anyone have the solution please help Duckman please Reply asap I know its your area. Thanx in Advance

To tell you the truth, there is nothing secure about http. Https (in some ways) yes, but not simple http.

What is you want to do? Not how you want to do it (which is what you have described here), but rather what you want to do, and why.

I want to gather certain information from different client and i have one tomcat server to handle this information without RMI thats all. And thanx for your attention

Why are you using a tomcat to poll clients? That's not the way its done. I know you want info from the client, that's obvious. The real question is why? What information do you need, and what are you building that you need it.

I am developing a intranet system for auditing of the different clients This information should be build up so that i can remotely access all the necessary information about my private network and thats why i have used web interface. Now i want my client s to be prompt by me at any time. So can i put a serversocket at all the client and access them from server using socket connection? It is the proper way or not i dont want to use RMI and want a web interface.

so you're still trying to write spyware.

Thanx for nothing duckman. I am not a hacker and i dont want to be like hacker. Hacker's does not ask their queries on open forums. If you have better suggestion then tell me. I dont think i have to prove my self.

Dear sir/mam,
I want to gather certain information from different client and i have one tomcat server to handle this information without RMI thats all. And thanx for your attention

your's faithfully
A vp singh

Tell me friend and I dont know about your requirement but I can show you what i am going to do. I dont know it is right or wrong. But I want to query clients whenever I want so I have decided this model. Click To see My Model. If Someone have better Idea than please reply me.

thank u

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