My Name is Divyesh Chotaliya.

I am your new friend.

I want a help from any people who is working with java or any one know abt my problem answer.

my problem is I want to get all connected computer's IP address.the computers that are connected with server. so,i want all the client pc ip and computer name so,what i do.
and how it is possible.

can any one got idea or having code please send me mail.

my mail id is [email removed]

Thank you

My Name is Divyesh Chotaliya.

can any one got idea or having code please send me mail.

my mail id is do.not.need@to.know

well, here's a thought: read the forum rules and put some effort of your own in it.
also, this is a public forum, with the intention that anyone visiting it can find a possible sollution with the question, so it is more interesting for any answers or code to be posted here instead of being mailed to you. even if you think you are the only one allowed to read it, there's always the option to pm it.

Thank you

You're welcome

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