write a program that reads the number of student from keyboard. Then it reads each students
name, family name and average and keep these values in the memory. Then the program will
sort students according to the choice of the user. You must also format the
uppercase/lowercase according to the following sample output. (50p)
Population of the class: 3
1.Student’s Name: ahmet
FamilyName: Tok
Avr: 2.24
2. Student’s Name: ZERRIN
FamilyName: Soylemez
Avr: 2.70
3.ö Student’s Name: Bilgin
FamilyName: SARI
Avr: 3.50
Data enterance OK!!!!
For sorting N (Name) F (Family Name) A (Average) Q (Exit): N
Name Family Name Average
Ahmet Tok 2.24
Bilgin Sarı 3.50
Zerrin Soylemez 2.70
For sorting N (Name) F (Family Name) A (Average) Q (Exit): F
Name Family Name Average
Ahmet Tok 2.24
Zerrin Soylemez 2.70
Bilgin Sarı 3.50
For sorting N (Name) F (Family Name) A (Average) Q (Exit): A
Name Family Name Average
Bilgin Sarı 3.50
Zerrin Soylemez 2.70
Ahmet Tok 2.24
For sorting N (Name) F (Family Name) A (Average) Q (Exit): Q
can some one make this before 19 march 2008.
it is my homework

can some one make this before 19 march 2008.
it is my homework

Absolutely NOT! Do your own homework.

can some one make this before 19 march 2008.
it is my homework

LOL you kids, i swear

how about you send me $500 to my PayPal account and I'll won't track your IP address and tell your teacher what you're up to..

LOL you kids, i swear

how about you send me $500 to my PayPal account and I'll won't track your IP address and tell your teacher what you're up to..

Hmmm ... your post could be moved to a blackmail forum, if one existed ...

are you threatening me????

are you threatening me????

Of course not, just some sense of humour ... so relax.

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