Hi there,

i'm from Malaysia. first of all, i would like to say that I'm quite bigginer in Java programming. However, I had released my own virus based on Java last month. I feel too stupid to release it. So, I need your help to open the door for me (maybe just by showing a few line of codes) to write an anti-virus.

What do I need? How to search for my virus in a comp? Because i'm still not good enough in java, i can't write an anti-virus to fight it back. Help me quick coz i need to stop it before it hurt more comps.

Please... i wanna change!

You want to stop it from "hurt more comps" (not that I believe either wrote one, or that you want to stop it), go to the police with your virus and give them a detailed description of your first use of it.

i prefer to stop it with 'COMPUTER' rather than i give details to police. can anyone help me to show the way to use java to search virus? that's all!!! just give me an idea. i'm not asking u to write an anti-virus to kill my virus. just show me a way and i'll think and do the rest... is it hard?

ps: maybe this will be the first and the last forum i refer to and ask for help.

I don't think it matters that you prefer to stop it with your computer. Do what masijade said.

Dont you have an anti-virus on your computer?If you are a beginner in java i think the code u have written could not be that harmfull.The anti-viruses will take care of everything.On the mean time tell us what ur virus is capable of.May be we can figure out how to track it down together.

I had test it before on a few anti-viruses and it passed. Maybe when I say 'Bigginer', it sounds nothing. Actually, i wrote it by using python before and just change the new version 2.2 base on Java. I want to fight version 2.2 also by using Java. That's my problem. I find info to create my virus but I don't have enough knowledge to create a thing to fight it back. hope for your help

This is one of the stranger threads I've read on this forum in a while. O.K., let's say you actually created this virus and released it and it's already on a bunch of computers doing whatever bad things it does. Let's say you succeed in writing the anti-virus to wipe it out. Let's say you decide, as you have, not to go to the police or Microsoft or the anti-virus companies. How is this anti-virus ever going to get a chance to run on the infected computers in order to wipe the virus out? I think you're going to need the cooperation of the anti-virus companies on this one. You're sure you just don't want people here to teach you how to write a virus?

This is one of the stranger threads I've read on this forum in a while. O.K., let's say you actually created this virus and released it and it's already on a bunch of computers doing whatever bad things it does. Let's say you succeed in writing the anti-virus to wipe it out. Let's say you decide, as you have, not to go to the police or Microsoft or the anti-virus companies. How is this anti-virus ever going to get a chance to run on the infected computers in order to wipe the virus out? I think you're going to need the cooperation of the anti-virus companies on this one. You're sure you just don't want people here to teach you how to write a virus?

I plan to release the anti-virus as freeware. I know on how to spread the anti-virus coz I'm good in marketing as weel (thanks God). Never mind guys... I had found someone to help me to create the anti-virus. I already sent him my virus source code and he said he can do that.

Thanks for your replies.

ps: masijade, I'm really sorry for my reply. Actually, I'm too tension with it... this will be my last virus I think. I'll never released any again :)

this will be my last virus I think. I'll never released any again :)

Good. We don't need any more viruses in this world.

The most illogical thread I've EVER read. Making a virus and then creating an Anti-virus for FREE. Developing a virus at all is kind of silly, not to mention running the code on your main computer.

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