Wish you all a good day.Currently i'm working on c++ project.I want to know how to convert string object to a character array.Also why ifstream object doesn't accept a string variable as follows,
void split(String filename)
ifstream ifile;
ifile.open(filename);//this fails


I guess you need to pass filename.c_str() .

Wish you all a good day.Currently i'm working on c++ project.I want to know how to convert string object to a character array.Also why ifstream object doesn't accept a string variable as follows,
void split(String filename)
ifstream ifile;
ifile.open(filename);//this fails


A string already is a character array. See this post.
If you want to open a file where filename is a string, you need to use the c_str () function:

ifile.open(filename.c_str ());
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