This is urgent! I need an I/O code by today but I have no idea how to do it. Could anyone help a poor guy like me and maybe have some Java practice by writing a short code using the following information? I'll learn how it works later! Just help me now!

When you rent a car from an agency, the key ring has several pieces of information: license plate, make and year of car, and usually a special code. This code could be used for some data processing within the company's computers.

I. The following sequence of steps will be used to convert a license plate into a car 
rental code.

1. A license plate consists of 3 letters followed by a 3 digit integer value. 
2. Type in the license plate information as 3 characters followed by a single 
integer value. For example, CPR 607. 
3. Add up the ASCII values of the 3 letters, 67 + 80 + 82 = 229. 
4. Add the sum of the letters to the single integer value. For example, 229 + 
607 = 836. 
5. Take this sum (836) and determine the integer remainder after dividing by 
26: 836 % 26 = 4. 
6. Determine the 4th letter in the alphabet after the letter 'A': 4th letter after 
'A' = E. 
7. Combine the letter and the sum, the car id number for license plate CPR 
607 = E836. 

II. You may assume that all sample data will be in the format of 3 alphabet characters, 
then a space, followed by a 3 digit integer 

1. Prompt the user for the make and model of the car. Use strings to create this part. 

2. Prompt the user for the license plate. 

3. Print the run output in the following format: 
    Make = Chevrolet 
    Model = Suburban 
    CPR 607 = E836 
4. Solve the following run outputs: 
RJK 492 
SPT 309 
The input values for the make and model strings are your choice. 
5. Turn in your source code and two run outputs.

Greetings theon,

Welcome to DaniWeb. I have read your post, and overviewed the information. I was wondering which part of the code process you are struggling on, so maybe we can help assist your accomplish your task.

Remember for future reference that claiming urgency is very likely to be counter-productive which may reliably get you shunned or flamed.

- Stack Overflow

Greetings theon,

Welcome to DaniWeb. I have read your post, and overviewed the information. I was wondering which part of the code process you are struggling on, so maybe we can help assist your accomplish your task.

Remember for future reference that claiming urgency is very likely to be counter-productive which may reliably get you shunned or flamed.

- Stack Overflow

Indeed. This question looks just like a homework assignment, even.

Like someone stated above you should post the areas in which are causing you trouble. If it's just the basic structure of IO, or you dont know how to get the ASCII value of characters, or something else let us know. But you should never post and ask someone to write a program for you.

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