i am trying to implement a database of books and i am have to use linked lists and possibly dynamic arrays for the first time so i am a bit confused..i just wanted to know if this is how i should b going about my constructors and if theres anything i should add or help me with..thanks

#include "library.h"
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <cassert>
using namespace std;

Library::Library() //Creates an empty library without books and without authors.
   first = NULL;            
   last = NULL;
   count = 0;

Library::~Library() //Destructor

void Library::add(string title, string authors[], int nAuthors) // Add a book

void Library::print() const  // Print the list of all books ordered by book title.
     bookType *current;

	current = first;
	while (current != NULL)
	   cout << current->info << " ";
	   current = current->link;

void Library::printByAuthor(string author) const //Print the list of books of a given author, ordered by book title.

I think you should use std library, which is now language standard. Safe and free of bugs list, queues, stuff with operators overloaded and many usefull constuctors waiting for you.


im not allowed to use stl..i have to use pointer structures (dynamic arrays and/or linked lists)

You already included namespace std...

As far as i remember from school you have to implement something like this:

struct ListElement
    int nSomeData;
    ListElement *previous, *next;

Then make functions like add(), delete(), etc...
You can close all these into class.

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