
I am using Crystal Report 8.5 to prepare my Report and I want to convert the figures under
currency to be converted automatically while printing the report. e.g If I enter 234 in my field kk than under text field hh it should be automatically written as two hundred thirty four.

Pl help


It is my own coding to convert number to string. I cannot sure to work this code properly. Any way try this.

> Create a new Module and Paste the below codes

Public Function UnitString(ByVal Ind As Integer) As String
   Dim ToStr As Variant
   ToStr = Array("Zero", "One", "Two", "Three", "Four", "Five", _
                                                "Six", "Seven", "Eight", "Nine", "Ten", _
                                                "Eleven", "Tweleve", "Thirteen", "Fourteen", "Fifteen", _
                                                "Sixteen", "Seventeen", "Eighteen", "Nineteen", "Twenty")
   UnitString = ToStr(Ind)
End Function
Public Function TenString(ByVal Ind As Integer) As String
   Dim ToStr As Variant
   ToStr = Array("Ten", "Twenty", "Thirty", "Fourty", "Fifty", _
                 "Sixty", "Seventy", "Eighty", "Ninety" _
   TenString = ToStr(Ind)
End Function
Public Function PlaceString(ByVal Ind As Integer) As String
   Dim ToStr As Variant
   ToStr = Array("Unit", "Tenth", "Hundred", _
                  "Thousand", "Laksh", "Crore", _
                  "Hundred" _
   PlaceString = ToStr(Ind)

End Function

Public Function ToString(ByVal No As Long) As String
   Dim ToStr As String
   'Dim No As Long
   Dim Value As Long
   Dim Divisor As Long
   Dim i As Long
   Divisor = 1000000000  
   i = 6
   Do While (No >= 1000)
      Value = Int(No / Divisor)
      No = No Mod Divisor
      Divisor = Int(Divisor / 100)
      If (Value <> 0) Then
         ToStr = ToStr & NumberToString100(Value) & " " & PlaceString(i) + " "
      End If
      i = i - 1
   Value = Int(No / 100)
   No = No Mod 100
   If (Value <> 0) Then
      ToStr = ToStr & NumberToString100(Value) & " " & PlaceString(i) + " "
   End If
   i = i - 1
   If No <> 0 Then
      ToStr = ToStr & NumberToString100(No)
   End If
   ToString = Trim(ToStr)
   End Function
Private Function NumberToString100(ByVal No As Integer) As String
   Dim ToStr As String
   Dim Ten As Integer, Unit As Integer
   If (No <= 20) Then
      NumberToString100 = UnitString(No)
      Exit Function
   End If
   No = No Mod 100
   Ten = Int(No / 10)
   No = No Mod 10
   Unit = No
   If (Ten >= 2) Then
      ToStr = ToStr & " " & TenString(Ten - 1)
      If (Unit > 0) Then
         ToStr = ToStr & " " & UnitString(Unit)
      End If
   ElseIf (Ten > 0) Then
      ToStr = ToStr & " " & UnitString((Ten * 10) + Unit)
   ElseIf (Unit > 0) Then
      ToStr = ToStr & " " & UnitString(Unit)
   End If
   NumberToString100 = Trim(ToStr)
End Function

Example MsgBox ToString (1000)

Copy is code in module.

--------------- code on Form1---------
Private Sub CmdGo_Click()
dim strword as string
strword = NumberToWords(val(text1.text))
msgbox strword
end sub

------ Name :: NumberToWord--------------
Option Explicit
Dim str1, str2
Public Function NumberToWords(Number As Double) As String
Dim intlen As Integer
Dim intDivValue As Single
Dim leftValue As String, curValue As String
Dim strComplete As String, i As Integer, blnretval As Boolean
Dim intPaise As String, strPaise As String
blnretval = False

If Len(CStr(Number)) > 13 Then
NumberToWords = "Out of Limit"
Exit Function
ElseIf Number = 0 Then
NumberToWords = "Zero only"
Exit Function
End If

If InStr(1, Number, ".") > 0 Then
intPaise = CStr(Mid(Number, InStr(1, Number, ".") + 1, 2))
str1 = arrvalue2(intPaise, blnretval)
If blnretval = False Then
If Len(CStr(intPaise)) > 1 Then
str2 = arrvalue1(Right(intPaise, 1))
End If
str2 = ""
End If
strPaise = " and " & str1 & " " & str2 & " Paise"
Number = Mid(Number, 1, InStr(1, Number, ".") - 1)

End If

intlen = Len(Trim(Number))
i = 1
While intlen > 0
If intlen > 3 Then
intDivValue = CSng(intlen / 2)
If intDivValue > 2 And InStr(1, intDivValue, ".") > 0 Then
curValue = Mid(Number, i, 2)
str1 = arrvalue2(curValue, blnretval)
If blnretval = False Then
str2 = arrvalue1(Right(curValue, 1))
str2 = ""
End If
strComplete = Trim$(strComplete & " " & str1 & " " & str2)
intlen = intlen - Len(curValue)
i = i + 2
strComplete = Trim$(strComplete & " " & IIf(curValue > 0, arrvalue3(intlen), ""))
curValue = Mid(Number, i, 1)
str2 = arrvalue1(Right(curValue, 1))
strComplete = strComplete & " " & str2
intlen = intlen - Len(curValue)
i = i + 1
strComplete = strComplete & " " & arrvalue3(intlen)
End If
ElseIf intlen = 3 Then
curValue = Mid(Number, i, 1)
str1 = arrvalue1(Left(curValue, 1))
strComplete = Trim(strComplete & " " & str1 & " " & IIf(curValue > 0, arrvalue3(2), ""))
intlen = intlen - Len(curValue)
ElseIf intlen = 2 Then
str1 = arrvalue2(Right(Number, 2), blnretval)
If blnretval = False Then
str2 = arrvalue1(Right(Number, 1))
str2 = ""
End If
strComplete = Trim(strComplete & " " & str1 & " " & str2)
GoTo l
ElseIf intlen = 1 Then
str1 = arrvalue1(Number)
strComplete = Trim(strComplete & " " & str1)
GoTo l
End If
NumberToWords = strComplete & strPaise & " only"

End Function

Private Function arrvalue1(ByVal s As String) As String
Dim arrnumber(0 To 10) As String
arrnumber(0) = ""
arrnumber(1) = "One"
arrnumber(2) = "two"
arrnumber(3) = "three"
arrnumber(4) = "Four"
arrnumber(5) = "Five"
arrnumber(6) = "Six"
arrnumber(7) = "Seven"
arrnumber(8) = "Eight"
arrnumber(9) = "Nine"
arrvalue1 = arrnumber(CInt(s))
Erase arrnumber
End Function

Private Function arrvalue2(ByVal s As String, Optional result As Boolean = False) As String
Dim arrnumber(1 To 19) As String
If CInt(s) > 10 And CInt(s) < 20 Then
arrnumber(11) = "Eleven"
arrnumber(12) = "Twelve"
arrnumber(13) = "Thirteen"
arrnumber(14) = "Forteen"
arrnumber(15) = "Fifteen"
arrnumber(16) = "sixteen"
arrnumber(17) = "Seventeen"
arrnumber(18) = "Eighteen"
arrnumber(19) = "Nineteen"
result = True
arrnumber(1) = "Ten"
arrnumber(2) = "Twenty"
arrnumber(3) = "Thirty"
arrnumber(4) = "Forty"
arrnumber(5) = "Fifty"
arrnumber(6) = "sixty"
arrnumber(7) = "Seventy"
arrnumber(8) = "Eighty"
arrnumber(9) = "Ninety"
s = Left(s, 1)
result = False
End If
If s <> 0 Then
arrvalue2 = arrnumber(CInt(s))
End If
Erase arrnumber
End Function

Private Function arrvalue3(s As Integer) As String
Dim arrnumber(2 To 11) As String
arrnumber(2) = "Hundred"
arrnumber(3) = "Thousand"
arrnumber(5) = "Lakh"
arrnumber(7) = "Crores"
arrnumber(9) = "Arab"
arrnumber(11) = "Kharab"
arrvalue3 = arrnumber(CInt(s))
Erase arrnumber
End Function

''how to conver figures to words
Public Function funcAmt(AMT As Currency) As String
Dim i As Integer
Dim j As Integer
Dim strnumber As String
Dim str1 As String
Dim strno As String
Dim str2 As String
Dim str3 As String
strno = CStr(AMT)

'If KeyAscii = 13 Then

If Len(strno) > 2 Then str3 = "and" Else str3 = ""
For i = 1 To Len(strno)

If Not Mid(strno, 1, 1) = 0 Then
If Len(strno) > 10 Then
MsgBox "Overflow", vbInformation, "Sorry"
Exit Function
End If
If Len(strno) = 10 Then
str1 = "Million"
strnumber = strnumber & " " & Units(Mid(strno, 1, 1)) & " " & str1
strno = Mid(strno, 2)
ElseIf Len(strno) = 9 Then
If Val(Mid(strno, 1, 2)) < 20 Then
strnumber = strnumber & " " & Tens(Mid(strno, 1, 2)) & " " & "Crores"
strno = Mid(strno, 3)
ElseIf Val(Mid(strno, 2, 1)) = 0 Then
strnumber = strnumber & " " & Tens(Mid(strno, 1, 1)) & " " & "Crores"
strno = Mid(strno, 3)
strnumber = strnumber & " " & Tens(Mid(strno, 1, 1))
strno = Mid(strno, 2)
End If

ElseIf Len(strno) = 8 Then
If Val(Mid(strno, 1, 1)) > 1 Then str1 = "Crores" Else str1 = "Crore"
strnumber = strnumber & " " & Units(Mid(strno, 1, 1)) & " " & str1
strno = Mid(strno, 2)

ElseIf Len(strno) = 7 Then
If Val(Mid(strno, 1, 2)) < 20 Then
strnumber = strnumber & " " & Tens(Mid(strno, 1, 2)) & " " & "Lakhs"
strno = Mid(strno, 3)
ElseIf Val(Mid(strno, 2, 1)) = 0 Then
strnumber = strnumber & " " & Tens(Mid(strno, 1, 1)) & " " & "Lakhs"
strno = Mid(strno, 3)
strnumber = strnumber & " " & Tens(Mid(strno, 1, 1))
strno = Mid(strno, 2)
End If

ElseIf Len(strno) = 6 Then
If Val(Mid(strno, 1, 1)) > 1 Then str1 = "Lakhs" Else str1 = "Lakh"
strnumber = strnumber & " " & Units(Mid(strno, 1, 1)) & " " & str1
strno = Mid(strno, 2)

ElseIf Len(strno) = 5 Then
If Val(Mid(strno, 1, 2)) < 20 Then
strnumber = strnumber & " " & Tens(Mid(strno, 1, 2)) & " " & "Thousand"
strno = Mid(strno, 3)
ElseIf Val(Mid(strno, 2, 1)) = 0 Then
strnumber = strnumber & " " & Tens(Mid(strno, 1, 1)) & " " & "Thousand"
strno = Mid(strno, 3)
strnumber = strnumber & " " & Tens(Mid(strno, 1, 1))
strno = Mid(strno, 2)
End If

ElseIf Len(strno) = 4 Then
strnumber = strnumber & " " & Units(Mid(strno, 1, 1)) & " " & "Thousand"
strno = Mid(strno, 2)
ElseIf Len(strno) = 3 Then

strnumber = strnumber & " " & Units(Mid(strno, 1, 1)) & " " & "Hundred"
strno = Mid(strno, 2)

ElseIf Len(strno) = 2 Then
If Val(Mid(strno, 1, 2)) < 20 Then
strnumber = strnumber & " " & str3 & " " & Tens(Mid(strno, 1, 2))
strno = Mid(strno, 3)
ElseIf Val(Mid(strno, 2, 1)) = 0 Then
strnumber = strnumber & " " & str3 & " " & Tens(Mid(strno, 1, 1))
strno = Mid(strno, 3)
strnumber = strnumber & " " & str3 & " " & Tens(Mid(strno, 1, 1))
strno = Mid(strno, 2)
End If
ElseIf Len(strno) = 1 Then
strnumber = strnumber & " " & str2 & " " & Units(Mid(strno, 1, 1))
strno = Mid(strno, 2)
End If

If Len(strno) = 2 Then
str2 = "and"
str2 = ""
End If
strno = Mid(strno, 2)
End If
' End If

FuncAmount = strnumber
Text2.Text = FuncAmount
End Function

Private Sub Command1_Click()
Call funcAmt(Text1.Text)

End Sub
Public Function Tens(i As Integer) As String

If i = 10 Then Tens = "Ten"
If i = 11 Then Tens = "Eleven"
If i = 12 Then Tens = "Twelve"
If i = 13 Then Tens = "Thirteen"
If i = 14 Then Tens = "Fourteen"
If i = 15 Then Tens = "Fifteen"
If i = 16 Then Tens = "Sixteen"
If i = 17 Then Tens = "Seventeen"
If i = 18 Then Tens = "Eighteen"
If i = 19 Then Tens = "Nineteen"
If i = 2 Then Tens = "Twenty"
If i = 3 Then Tens = "Thirty"
If i = 4 Then Tens = "Forty"
If i = 5 Then Tens = "Fifty"
If i = 6 Then Tens = "Sixty"
If i = 7 Then Tens = "Seventy"
If i = 8 Then Tens = "Eighty"
If i = 9 Then Tens = "Ninety"

End Function

Public Function Units(i As Integer) As String
If i = 1 Then Units = "One"
If i = 2 Then Units = "Two"
If i = 3 Then Units = "Three"
If i = 4 Then Units = "Four"
If i = 5 Then Units = "Five"
If i = 6 Then Units = "Six"
If i = 7 Then Units = "Seven"
If i = 8 Then Units = "Eight"
If i = 9 Then Units = "Nine"
End Function

I myself got the idea of converting figures to words in Crystal report.
Under formula bar of Crystal report type "ToWord (field name , 0)" this field name is the
database field saved as currency. But after using this it is converting in International forminstead of Indian form. e.g 112,000/- is writing as one hundred twelve thousand instead of
one lakh twelve thousand.
So how is this converted into Indian form


Dear sir,

Thanks for application guidance.

Regards from
Jagdish H Patel

I am too searching for a syntax to convert figures into words
I have just started learning c# and i have made a small program that converts figures up to 100000 into words
If u gimme your email i cam mail you


I am using Crystal Report 8.5 to prepare my Report and I want to convert the figures under
currency to be converted automatically while printing the report. e.g If I enter 234 in my field kk than under text field hh it should be automatically written as two hundred thirty four.

Pl help


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