Hi all,

I've developed a vb.net application for a desktop digital clock and deployed it. I made the application start at windows startup and it's working fine. But the taskbar button for the application is there in the taskbar every time the windows login. Please help me to modify the application so that it works similar to other applications in the startup working in the background, without having any taskbar buttons on the taskbar.

help me please...

I believe I didn't make my point clear to you.

I made a simple desktop clock project in vb.net using visual studio 2005. Then I deployed the same as a setup file where in the source code I'd add the following lines to make it run at every system startup.

Dim oReg As RegistryKey = Registry.CurrentUser
        Dim oKey As RegistryKey = oReg.OpenSubKey("Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run", True)
        oKey.SetValue("MyClock", Application.ExecutablePath.ToString())

It's all working well with the installation of the setup file. Whenever the system startsup, this application will run automatically but leaves a small taskbar button on the taskbar which seems not much impressive. So I just asked your help to modify my application to make it working the same as other applications run at the startup.

Please help me

I think You want your program should not be display in TaskBar?

I Hope, Form.ShowInTaskbar Property may Help you.

Set This property to false, your application will not show in the TaskBar

I think he wants it to be displayed in the system tray instead. I don't know how, however.

Thank you friends....

It's done....

Thank you very much for your valuable support...

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