I am thinking of building a media player that could read all the audio ,video file types as my final year project using java in the linux environment( fedora core 4).

But i don't know from where should i start, pls is there anyone who can help. I will be very glad.

Thanks in advance.

no idea? and you're in the final year??
well, if you're fixed on making a media player, you might start on the gui, easiest part I figure.
try to decide what formats you want to be able to play (all might be a little much :)) and what you need to get it played.
for instance, audio: to play wav files you need nothing added to your java install, but if you want to play .mp3 files, you might want to look into JavaMediaFramework or the JLayer1.0 package (open source code that easily allows you to play .mp3 files)

look into what you need (which classes, ..) and start creating, I guess :)

commented: A VERY good idea, nice thinking =) +2

no idea? and you're in the final year??
well, if you're fixed on making a media player, you might start on the gui, easiest part I figure.
try to decide what formats you want to be able to play (all might be a little much :)) and what you need to get it played.
for instance, audio: to play wav files you need nothing added to your java install, but if you want to play .mp3 files, you might want to look into JavaMediaFramework or the JLayer1.0 package (open source code that easily allows you to play .mp3 files)

look into what you need (which classes, ..) and start creating, I guess :)

A Media player would be a GREAT idea for a java project.

The concept is simple--

*let user specify file to play
*flag warning if incorrect format
*if correct format play the file
*allow commands such as pause, play at current pause location, time elapsed, etc


Hell, if you want to be more daring create a chatting program that allows video streams from one individuals webcam to the other.

That would be worthy of a true Final year project.

if you don't know how to play sounds i suggest you look here, it has all that you need to know to use the javax.sound to play sound, there are however additional APIs/plugins you will need to get if you really do want to play all file types, such as mp3, this site has a list, but there are probably more

video would be much harder, i don't know if java has an API for webcams.

in my seaches for java audio i also found Java Speech, an API for speech recognition and speech synthesis.

Thanks dudes,

And hey Alex, i have built an online community for LAN in my pre-final year mini project, there i have done all sorts of socket programming, session controls, etc. and it would be a great idea to add video conferencing to that project,

so if you can help pls refer me the sites where i could get the necessary belongings.

Hi guyz
Am a final year and also has the same problem identifying a final project. Your suggestions will be highly appreciated. :-/

i switch to building a compiler using JAVA and C? What do you think:)?

I am thinking of building a media player that could read all the audio ,video file types as my final year project using java in the linux environment( fedora core 4).

But i don't know from where should i start, pls is there anyone who can help. I will be very glad.

Thanks in advance.
i have same project
<snip email>

commented: Please read forum rules no emails in the posts. Also have look on appropriate use of tags. +10
commented: -1 to make up for Peter's mistake +0
commented: DON"T HIJACK threads +0
commented: Towards peter's intended rep. -2

Somebody was really lucky this morning as I'm still sleepy. This was supposed to be negative reputation
Please read forum rules - no emails in posts.
Have look on appropriate use of tags in the post

hello pls help me i know that you can hepl me on how to make a program that has three equation and three unknown
pls A.S.A.P

commented: First What? second post your own thread +0

hello pls help me i know that you can hepl me on how to make a program that has three equation and three unknown
pls A.S.A.P

Don't hijack threads. Start your own. Someone else started this thread to look for help; do you think it would be nice for people to start answering your questions instead of the one that started the thread?
And requests such as: "A.S.A.P" , don't work here

hey i m also in final year
n my project is also media player
i've created format supported by medeia player..
plz do u have any information about creating a buttons .plz give some idea about it yaar.

commented: the last post in this forum is almost a year old... make a new thread +0
commented: Another dumb-assed "me too" project wannabe hijacking a long dead thread. -7
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