hi all,
I ve a requirement for standalone travel software dat is not web based which involves rentung vehicles,arraging drivers, generating bill, making a picture of bus seats n which shows seat nos available.. i want to do it on java platform. can i do static html page using dreamweaver or use applets swings( which i am not good at no knowledge)..
please help me which development tools i shud use it also involves database to maintain details,,
hoping for reply soon.. thank you..

why did you post this twice?

if it will be stand alone why not write to a plain old file?

it involves lot of GUI its like a software which shopping malls will use not dat big..
database n user interface so can i use static html page i think it becomes web page??isnt it???

if you just need something to hold info, why do you want it to be html? usually info would be stored in XML, but if it won't be web based then you could just use a txt file, with info that your application could parse through.

it could look something like:

bus id=1001 destination ="school" totalSeats=20
seatingchart bus=1001 [
passenger id=102901b2bs2 bus=1001 distance=4

parsing though this kind of text is a little tricky to get right, but if you can do that then make your program display stuff for the user.

i am still unclear as to what you want to use html for. do you want to generate a page from within the program?

I cant code from scracth using txt file the reason is i need graphical user interface(GUI)that is to take name, allocating seats ,arranging driver all those things shud in user interface and storing it in a database, which is a sstandalone project or program got it!!so i am asking shud i need to use applets ,swings n core java or shall i do it like static webpages???? can i use html for standalone project..but look n feel of a web page differs. for travel software i think shud implemnt using applets core java swings....i am confused wat to do?????any idea ???

since it is going to be a standalone non-web based application... why are you considering using html and applets?
a Swing application would do for what you're required to write

since it is going to be a standalone non-web based application... why are you considering using html and applets?

Presumably because he is another drag&drop user of Dreamweaver...

I cant code from scracth using txt file the reason is i need graphical user interface(GUI)that is to take name, allocating seats ,arranging driver all those things shud in user interface and storing it in a database, which is a sstandalone project or program got it!!so i am asking shud i need to use applets ,swings n core java or shall i do it like static webpages???? can i use html for standalone project..but look n feel of a web page differs. for travel software i think shud implemnt using applets core java swings....i am confused wat to do?????any idea ???

you don't have too, you can store the information that the GUI takes in a text file that has a certain, syntax that you design, so that it can save the information in a file that can be reopened viewed in a graphical way, i say write a swing app, that does it for you... you don't have to write any .txt by hand, you can write your gui to do it for you

k i will do that.

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