Dear Friends,
I got two problem related to Data Report.
1. I got more than 20 temporary file with extention .tmp in my project folder.

2. My report unable to show effect after deletion of any record. It only takes effect when i
close the program and then restart program.

If you have some procedure than please tell me

Dear Friends,
I got two problem related to Data Report.
1. I got more than 20 temporary file with extention .tmp in my project folder.

2. My report unable to show effect after deletion of any record. It only takes effect when i
close the program and then restart program.

If you have some procedure than please tell me

I wouldn't worry about the tmp files. If you have any concerns, when you're done with the project you can manually erase them.

I assume you're updating your records right before you do your report? And that you're using ADODB with Access as your database type?

You should see the changes reflected in your data report immediately after updating your database files. The only reason that I can think you're not seeing the changes would be that you already have the data report loaded but not shown. So, the report has already loaded its data.

But I guess I would need the following information to help you: (1) When is your data report loaded? and (2) some of your code showing what you're doing to update your database files.

do this

DataEnvironment1.(your rs_connection).Properties.Refresh
DataEnvironment1.(your rs_command).Open
Datareport1.Show vbModal
DataEnvironment1.(your rs_command).Close

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