hi everyone... i'm a newbie to xpath and i don't know how to extract all the ToolAlarm nodes from my xml file...

here's the xml file and code snippet:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
<ToolType name ="EQP1">
<ToolAlarm name = "AIR PRESSURE LOW"/>
<ToolAlarm name = "FALSE ALARM"/>
<ToolAlarm name = "NO INCOMING POWER SUPPLY"/>
<ToolAlarm name = "SERVO ERROR"/>
<ToolAlarm name = "OTHERS"/>

string fileName = "ToolConfigurations.xml";
XPathDocument xPathDoc = new XPathDocument(fileName);
XPathNavigator xPathNav = xPathDoc.CreateNavigator();
XPathExpression xPathExpr;
xPathExpr = xPathNav.Compile("//EquipmentType[@name='DA']/Defects/*");
XPathNodeIterator xPathIterator = xPathNav.Select(xPathExpr);

i tried different xpath expressions to no avail..

can somebody please help?


hi everyone... i'm a newbie to xpath and i don't know how to extract all the ToolAlarm nodes from my xml file...

here's the xml file and code snippet:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
<ToolType name ="EQP1">
<ToolAlarm name = "AIR PRESSURE LOW"/>
<ToolAlarm name = "FALSE ALARM"/>
<ToolAlarm name = "NO INCOMING POWER SUPPLY"/>
<ToolAlarm name = "SERVO ERROR"/>
<ToolAlarm name = "OTHERS"/>

string fileName = "ToolConfigurations.xml";
XPathDocument xPathDoc = new XPathDocument(fileName);
XPathNavigator xPathNav = xPathDoc.CreateNavigator();
XPathExpression xPathExpr;
xPathExpr = xPathNav.Compile("//EquipmentType[@name='DA']/Defects/*");
XPathNodeIterator xPathIterator = xPathNav.Select(xPathExpr);

i tried different xpath expressions to no avail..

can somebody please help?


xPathExpr should be:

xPathExpr = xPathNav.Compile("//ToolType[@name='EQP1']/ToolAlarm /*");

sorry for the confusion...

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