Whats wrong with this code


#include <vcl.h>

#include <fstream.h>
#pragma hdrstop

#include "MainUnit.h"
#pragma package(smart_init)
#pragma resource "*.dfm"
TForm1 *Form1;
__fastcall TForm1::TForm1(TComponent* Owner)
   : TForm(Owner)
void __fastcall TForm1::Button1Click(TObject *Sender)
   //char *acc, *id, *sur, *bal;
   int col = 0;
   int row = 1;
   int idpos, surpos, balpos;
   char acc[20], id[20], sur[20], bal[20];
   string line;

   ifstream file;

         file >> line;
         idpos = 0;
         balpos = 0;
         surpos = 0;
         for(int i = 0; i < (int)line.length(); i++)
            if(line[i] == '#')
               if(idpos == 0)
                  idpos = i+1;   //10
               else if(surpos == 0)
                  surpos = i+1;   //25
                  balpos = i+1;

         strcpy(acc, line.substr(0, idpos - 1).c_str());
         strcpy(id, line.substr(idpos, surpos - strlen(acc) - 2).c_str());
         strcpy(sur, line.substr(surpos, balpos - (strlen(acc) + strlen(id)-3)).c_str());
         strcpy(bal, line.substr(balpos, idpos - (strlen(acc) + strlen(id) + strlen(sur))).c_str());

         col = 0;
         StringGrid1->Cells[col++][row] = acc;
         StringGrid1->Cells[col++][row] = id;
         StringGrid1->Cells[col++][row] = sur;
         StringGrid1->Cells[col++][row] = bal;


      ShowMessage("File Not found");
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What is the problem? What does not work or goes wrong?

First Of All , Please Use Code Tags and Secondly . Specify your Problem

And a Tip: Stop using the same names to both pointers and arrays of the same type.

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