I am trying to get my homework assignment to work for class, but I cant seem to get it. Heres the assignment.

Write a program that asks the user to guess the next roll of a six sided die. Each guess costs $ 1. If they guess correctly, they get $ 100.00. The player will start out with a $10.00 bank. Each time he (or she) guesses incorrectly you will subtract $1.00 from their bank. Each time they guess correct, you add $100.00 to their bank. Print the total winnings or loss at the end of the game. [Each die toss is simulated using die = (int)(rand() % 6) + 1;]

Your program should look something like this:

Your bank is $10.00
Please enter your guess for the next roll. It only costs $1.00 to play, If you are correct I will pay you $100.00:

Sorry, the dice rolled a 5.


Your bank is $9.00
Please enter your guess for the next roll. It only costs $1.00 to play, If you are correct I will pay you $100.00:

Winner! the dice rolled a 4.
Thanks for playing your bank is $109.00. Come back real soon

Seems not to bad doesnt it? Well I have been working for a while and it still isnt working for me. I enter lets say a 4 it will tell me Sorry, the dice rolled a 5. I need a little help if anyone can please. I am not looking for you to complete my assignment, but take a look and give some advice for a beginner.

Thanks :)

#include <iostream>
#include <ctime> 

using namespace std; 

int main()
int die;
int money=10;
int num;
char roll;
cout<<"Your bank is $" <<money<<endl;
cout<<"Please enter your guess for the next roll. It only costs $1.00 to play, If you are correct I will pay you $100.00:" <<endl;
if (num==die)
cout<<"Winner! The dice rolled a" <<num<<endl;
money += 100;
else if (num < die)
cout<<"Sorry the dice rolled a "<<num<<endl;
money -= 1;
return 0;


I am trying to get my homework assignment to work for class, but I cant seem to get it. Heres the assignment.

Seems not to bad doesnt it? Well I have been working for a while and it still isnt working for me. I enter lets say a 4 it will tell me Sorry, the dice rolled a 5. I need a little help if anyone can please. I am not looking for you to complete my assignment, but take a look and give some advice for a beginner.

Thanks :)

#include <iostream>
#include <ctime> 

using namespace std; 

int main()
int die;
int money=10;
int num;
char roll;
cout<<"Your bank is $" <<money<<endl;
cout<<"Please enter your guess for the next roll. It only costs $1.00 to play, If you are correct I will pay you $100.00:" <<endl;
if (num==die)
cout<<"Winner! The dice rolled a" <<num<<endl;
money += 100;
else if (num < die)
cout<<"Sorry the dice rolled a "<<num<<endl;
money -= 1;
return 0;


What is the purpose of roll ? Look carefully at these lines and make sure they are what you want. See red highlight.

if (num==die)
cout<<"Winner! The dice rolled a" <<num<<endl;
money += 100;
else if (num < die)
cout<<"Sorry the dice rolled a "<<num<<endl;
money -= 1;
  #include <iostream>

  #include <ctime>

  using namespace std;

  int main()

  char ans;
  int die;

  int money=10;

  int num;

  char roll;


  cout<<"Your bank is $" <<money<<endl;

  cout<<"Please enter your guess for the next roll. It only costs $1.00 to play, If you are correct I will pay you $100.00:" <<endl;




  if (num==die)


  cout<<"Winner! The dice rolled a " << die << " You win $100 :)" <<endl;

  money += 100;


  else if (num < die)


  cout<<"Sorry the dice rolled a   " <<die <<endl;

  money -= 1;


  cout<< "Would you like to try another one? y/n?" << endl;
  cin>> ans;
  }while (ans== 'y');


In your second if statement you are saying if (num < die) . what would happen if I guessed 5 and the die was 2? A better way would be to do if (num != die) .

#include <iostream>
#include <ctime> 

using namespace std; 

int main()
    int dice;
    int money=10;
    int num;
    int answer;
    char roll;
         cout<<"Your bank is $" << money << endl;
         cout<<"Please enter your guess for the next roll. It only costs $1.00 to play, If you are correct I will pay you $100.00:" <<endl;
         dice = (rand()%6)+1;
         if(num > 6)
                cout << "You can't enter hieger number of 6!" << endl;
                cout << "Try again !" << endl;
         if (num == dice)
                      cout<<"Winner! The dice rolled " << dice <<endl;
                      money += 100;
                      cout << "Your bank acc is now $" << money << endl;
         else if (num != dice)
                      cout << "Sorry the dice rolled " << dice <<endl;
                      money -= 1;
                      cout << "Your bank acc is now $" << money << endl;
return 0;

I just see this post and figure out how can be this game runing smooth .. :)

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