I'm making a text game and im making a save() and load() function i'v got the save function to work but i dont know how to change varyables in the program depending on the varyables in the text files.
heres the code for the functions:

def save():
    openfile = open('save_file', 'r+')
    openfile.seek(0, 0)
    openfile.write(player.exp, '/n', player.level, '/n', player.health, '/n', new_monster.health, '/n', new_monster, '/n', new_monster.name, )
def load():
    openfile = open('save_file', 'r')
    openfile.read  << this is where im stuck

any help would be apreciated

And i just found out that the save() function doent work either, any ideas?

To load the values, you could do something like this:
Example config file:

fn = 'config.txt'
f = open(fn)
vartypes = [str,int,float,eval]
varnames = ['name','exp','score','other']
dd = {}
for i,line in enumerate(f):
    dd[varnames[i]] = vartypes[i](line.strip())

>>> name
>>> other
[1, 2, 3]

To write the variables to disk, you must pass a string argument to the file write() method.

f = open('config1.txt', 'w')
f.write('\n'.join([str(item) for item in [name,exp,score,other]]))

you can also use eval or exec on the text file if it was like this:

t = 1
variable2 = 10
string = 'hello'

if you had this in your program

f = open('variables.txt')
for line in f:
    #or exec(line)

That will then set up all of your variables.
Hope that helps

Nah that doesnt work, heres the code as it is now:

#the save function
def save():
    save_varyables = [player.level, player.health, new_monster.health, new_monster, new_monster.name]
    file = open('save_varyables')
    pickle.dump(save_varyables, file)

#the load function    
def load():
    f = open('save_file')
    for line in f:

Well, of course it won't work. If you pickle.dump() some data to disk, you need to pickle.load() to get the data from disk. Example:

>>> dd = {'s3': 'This is a string', 'r3': 1.5, 'i3': 1}
>>> f = open('test.txt', 'w')
>>> import pickle
>>> pickle.dump(dd, f)
>>> f.close()
>>> f = open('test.txt')
>>> dd1 = pickle.load(f)
>>> dd1
{'s3': 'This is a string', 'i3': 1, 'r3': 1.5}

I think that will work but i cant tell unless the save function works, i dont know why it works, i tell it to ask the user if he\she wants to save and when they type yes, it dosnt work because when it saves it is supposed to quit and i went and chacked the text file that it is supposed to save in and it hasnt dumped anything there, any ideas?
here is the code yet again:

#the save function
def save():
    save_game_varyables = [new_monster.attack, new_monster.health, new_monster.defense, new_monster,name]
    file = open('save_file')
    pickle.dump(save_game_varyables, file)
    loop = 0

#the load function    
def load():
    f = open('save_file')
    for line in f:

For starters you shouldnt use the word "file" as a variable. That is a keyword in python.

You opened the file in mode 'r'. Try mode 'w'.

I think the error is how call the class in the main() function can anyone help?
heres the code:

#!/usr/bin/env python
#The main file with all the game logic and the player class

#import the necessary files
import random
import pickle
from monsters import * 
from weapons import *
try:    import cPickle as pickle
except: import pickle as pickle

class Packet:
    def __init__(self, data):
        self.data = data

    def save(self):
        data = pickle.dumps(Packet(data))
        savefile = open('save_file','w')

    def load(self):    
        data = pickle.loads(buf).data
        openfile = open('save_file','r')
        data = openfile.read()
        if IOError:
            print 'No save file to load!'
            loop = 0

#Player class
class player():
    def __init__(self):
        self.health = 30
        self.damage = 5
        weapon = random.randrange(1,3)
        if weapon == 1:
            self.weapon = sword()
            print 'The weapon that you are using\'s attributes are:'
            print self.weapon.GetAttributesInfo()
        elif weapon == 2:
            self.weapon = axe()
            print 'The weapon that you are using\'s attributes are:'
            print self.weapon.GetAttributesInfo()
        elif weapon == 3:
            self.weapon = spear()
            print 'The weapon that you are using\'s attributes are:'
            print self.weapon.GetAttributesInfo
    def attack(self, monster):
        dam = self.weapon.GetDamage()
        if dam > monster.defense:
            monster.health = monster.health - dam
            print 'You hit him for %d damage!' %dam
            print 'You did\'nt do any damage...'

#The main() function, for executing the actuall game
def main():
    loop = 1
    new_monster = random.randrange(1, 5)
    if new_monster == 1:
        new_monster = orc()
    elif new_monster == 2:
        new_monster = troll()
    elif new_monster == 3:
        new_monster = dragon()
    elif new_monster == 4:
        new_monster = goblin()
    elif new_monster == 5:
        new_monster = spider()
    saving_and_loading = Packet('save_file')
    P = player()
    start = 1
    while start == 1:
        print 'Your options are:'
        print '1)New game'
        print '2)Load'
        print '3)Quit'
        print 'You can type \'save\' at any time during the game to save your game(saving quits)'
        choice = input('What do you want to do:')
        if choice == 1:
            print 'The attacking monster\'s attributes are:'
            print new_monster.GetAttributesInfo()
        elif choice == 2:
            print 'The attacking monster\'s attributes are:'
            print new_monster.GetAttributesInfo()
        elif choice == 3:
            loop = 0
        start = 0
    loop = 1
    while loop == 1:
        #The game logic connected to all the varyables
        if new_monster.health <= 0:
            print 'You killed the ', new_monster.name, '!'
            loop = 0
        elif new_monster.health > 0:
            choice = raw_input('Do you want to attack again:')
            if choice == 'yes' or 'y':
                print 'The monster\'s health is now:', new_monster.health
            elif choice == 'no':
                loop = 0 
            elif choice == 'save':
                print 'You\'re just talking jiberish now'
#Initalize the main function, since __name__  is always == '__main__'            
if __name__ == '__main__':
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