hey peeps..i got a problem in this project and will be grateful if someone can help pls..thx

And your problem is going to persist if you can't describe it more clearly and post the relevant code.

Dropping the "IM-speak" wouldn't hurt either. We aren't your "peeps" and this isn't a chat room.

yea right ez...i will do that

hey peeps..i got a problem in this project and will be grateful if someone can help pls..thx

We can't help you. No one here has ever done an invisible project. Tell us what is the project and post the code you are having problem with.

lol what is this

step 1: what is your problem
step 2: what have you done
step 3: what do you want us to help with

yea right ez...i will do that

so... why don't you? still looks a lot like IM-speech to me

First of all you must really be working on some top notch "classified" project that you are feeling so vulnerable to divulge the details off. But just imagine how helpful we can be if we do not even know the problem domain for the project.
And also it isn't so bad to correct yourself if someone asks you to do the right thing the right way.

People let the guy explain what he wants.

@anez247 please use full sentence English, leet/chat/sms speak is not welcomed

His original post had an attached pdf, which I assume was the assignment.

His original post had an attached pdf, which I assume was the assignment.

I don't see it at his post. Maybe he removed it, because it says that his first post was edited

Yes, it was removed shortly after he posted it.

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