I made this applet for my APCOMPSCIA class, it due tomorrow but I cant get it working. I need to show the animation of a sort, but it just does sort once that it, please help. I will be very great full.

import java.applet.Applet; 
import java.awt.*; 
import java.awt.event.*; 
import java.util.Random; 
import javax.swing.*; 

public class BarSelectionSort extends JApplet 
//Variables and arrays 
Rectangle[] bar_array = new Rectangle[10]; 
int minIndex; 

private int pushes; 
private JLabel label; 
private JButton push; 
private JLabel label2; 

public void init() 
final int NUM_BARS = 10, WIDTH = 30, MAX_HEIGHT = 300, GAP = 9; 
int x = GAP, height; 
bar_array = new Rectangle[10]; 

Random generator = new Random(); 
height = generator.nextInt(MAX_HEIGHT) + 1; 

for (int i = 0; i < NUM_BARS; i++) 
bar_array[i] = new Rectangle(x, MAX_HEIGHT-height, WIDTH, height); 
height = generator.nextInt(MAX_HEIGHT) + 1; 
x = x + WIDTH + GAP; 

//Selection sort button 
pushes = 0; 

push = new JButton ("Selection sort!"); 
push.addActionListener (new ButtonListener()); 

label = new JLabel ("Pushes: " + Integer.toString (pushes)); 

Container cp = getContentPane(); 
cp.setBackground (Color.cyan); 
cp.setLayout (new FlowLayout()); 
cp.add (push); 
cp.add (label); 


// Paints bars of varying heights, tracking the tallest and 
// shortest bars, which are redrawn in color at the end. 
public void paint (Graphics page) 
final int GAP = 9; 
int x; 
setBackground (Color.black); 

page.setColor (Color.blue); 
x = GAP; 

for (int i = 0; i < bar_array.length; i++) 
Dimension d = bar_array[i].getSize(); 
Point p = bar_array[i].getLocation(); 
page.fillRect(p.x, p.y, d.width, d.height); 

x = x + WIDTH + GAP; 

// Sorts the specified array of rectangles using the selection 
// sort algorithm. 

void selectionSort() 
for( int i = 0; i < bar_array.length - 1; i++ ) 
int minIndex = i; 
for( int j = i + 1; j < bar_array.length; j++ ) 
if( bar_array[j].height < bar_array[minIndex].height ) 
minIndex = j; 

if(minIndex > i) 
Rectangle temp = bar_array[i]; 
bar_array[i] = bar_array[minIndex]; 
bar_array[minIndex] = temp; 

int tempX = bar_array[i].x; 
bar_array[i].x = bar_array[minIndex].x; 
bar_array[minIndex].x = tempX; 

private class ButtonListener implements ActionListener 

// Updates the counter when the button is pushed. 

public void actionPerformed (ActionEvent event) 
label.setText("Amount of sorts: " + Integer.toString (pushes)); 



Make your BarSelectionSort-class Runnable,
Change selectionSort-method void selectionSort(int index)
Inside never ending run-method place

if (index < bar_array.length) {

set sleep to 500ms
Write internal PaintPanel-class extends Canvas with own paint-method (simple move current), place method

public Color getBackground() {
            return Color.cyan;

Change layout of BarSelectionSort-class, place all components
cp.add(paintPanel, BorderLayout.CENTER);
Start thread
Change ButtonListener

private class ButtonListener implements ActionListener {

        public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent event) {
            label.setText("Amount of sorts: " + Integer.toString(pushes));
            index = 0; // regenerate index, set to zero
            generateRandom(); // new method to new set of random numbers           
            paintPanel.repaint();// inside selectionSort-method inside for-loop too... 

new variables :
private int index;
private Thread th;
private PaintPanel paintPanel;
... and many other things

I solved it my self and no one here helped(or even replied) so I'm NEVER coming here back EVER again.

So finally you've come back.

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