I have a thesis project in Visual Basic 6 using Bar Code Reader. This project is a convenient store that reads the bar code from the items or products in store. The cashier will point the bar code reader to the bar code of the items, then the barcode number will be display in the text box as well as the prices and name of the item.

I don't know how to implement this or if you have a visual basic code similar to this one or you have an existing codes please share it for free cause i needed it very badly since I will be required to submit my thesis on the third week of March.

Thanks in advance...

Check with barcode scanner vendors in your area.

you do not need any code to get the value of barcode in a textbox. Once the barcode reader reads the code the value will be populated on any control having focus. what you need to do is process the value as desired , that might involve some calcuations as per your business logic.

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