My code is fully functional, but I know that isn't the main point of programming. A few of my functions work in ways I know they probably shouldn't but I really just don't know how to fix them. Any other general pointers are appreciated as well, trying to learn as much as I can.
Here's the code:

from visual import *
import random
scene.autoscale = 0

axes = [(1,0,0), (0,1,0), (0,0,1)]
shapeList = []
colorList = [,,, color.white,, color.magenta]

def get_location():
    """Gets the location of the point where the user clicks."""
    print "\nClick where you would like to place the shape.\n"
    while True:
        if scene.mouse.clicked:
            m = scene.mouse.getclick()
            loc = m.pos
            return loc   

def display_menu():
    """Displays a menu allowing the user to choose what to do."""
    print \
            Shapes Menu
        1 - Create a shape
        2 - Recolor a shape
        3 - Recolor all shapes
        4 - Delete a shape
        5 - Delete all shapes
        6 - Party
        7 - Exit

    choice = raw_input("Choice: ")

    return choice
def create_shape():
    """Creates a shape of the user's choice."""
    shape_to_create = raw_input("Shape to create (cube, sphere, cylinder): ")

    if shape_to_create == "cube":
        loc = get_location()
        shape = box(pos = loc, color = random.choice(colorList), size = (1,1,1), axis = random.choice(axes))
    elif shape_to_create == "sphere":
        loc = get_location()
        shape = sphere(pos = loc, color = random.choice(colorList), radius = 1, axis = random.choice(axes))
    elif shape_to_create == "cylinder":
        loc = get_location()
        shape = cylinder(pos = loc, color = random.choice(colorList), radius = 1, axis = random.choice(axes))
        shape.length = 3
        print "\nSorry, that is not a valid choice."
def recolor_shape():
    """Returns the shape the user clicks so it may be recolored."""
    if shapeList:
        print "Click on the shape you would like to recolor."
    while shapeList:
        if scene.mouse.clicked:
            m = scene.mouse.getclick()
            if m.pick:
                return m.pick

def recolor_shapes():
    """Recolors all shapes to whatever the user says."""
    global shapeList
    color_to_make = raw_input("What color would you like to make the shapes? \
(red, blue, green, white, orange, magenta, or randomize): ")
    for shape in shapeList:
        if color_to_make == "red":
            shape.color =
        elif color_to_make == "blue":
            shape.color =
        elif color_to_make == "green":
            shape.color =
        elif color_to_make == "white":
            shape.color = color.white
        elif color_to_make == "orange":
            shape.color =
        elif color_to_make == "magenta":
            shape.color = color.magenta
        elif color_to_make == "randomize":
            shape.color = random.choice(colorList)
def delete_shape():
    """Returns a shape so that it may be deleted."""
    print """Click on the shape you would like to delete.
Be warned, that exact shape will be gone forever."""
    while shapeList:
        if scene.mouse.clicked:
            m = scene.mouse.getclick()
            if m.pick:
                return m.pick

def delete_shapes():
    """Deletes all shapes after getting confirmation."""
    global shapeList
    response = raw_input("\nAre you sure you want to delete all shapes? (y/n): ")
    if response == "y":
        for shape in shapeList:
            shape.visible = 0
        shapeList = []
        print "\nCompleted.\n"
    if response == "n":
        print "\nAborted.\n"
def party_mode():
    """Flashes colors of all current shapes."""
    global shapeList
    for i in range(500):
        for shape in shapeList:
            shape.color = random.choice(colorList)
def main():
    """The main function which calls the other functions."""
    choice = None

    while choice != "7":

        choice = display_menu()
        if choice == "1":
        elif choice == "2":
            shape = recolor_shape()
            if shape:

                color_to_make = raw_input("What color would you like to make the shape?\
 (red, blue, green, white, orange, magenta): ")

                if color_to_make == "red":
                    shape.color =
                elif color_to_make == "blue":
                    shape.color =
                elif color_to_make == "green":
                    shape.color =
                elif color_to_make == "white":
                    shape.color = color.white
                elif color_to_make == "orange":
                    shape.color =
                elif color_to_make == "magenta":
                    shape.color = color.magenta
                print "There are no shapes to recolor."
        elif choice == "3":
        elif choice == "4":
            shape_to_delete = delete_shape()
            if shape_to_delete:
                shape_to_delete.visible = 0
                print "\nThere are no shapes to delete.\n"

        elif choice == "5":
        elif choice == "6":

        elif choice == "7":
            print "Good-bye."
            print "\nSorry, that is not a valid choice."


You need to specify the functions names and the problem that you are facing.

You need to specify the functions names and the problem that you are facing.

Like I said there aren't really any problems, I'm just looking for some critique on how I wrote and organized it. For example, see how recolor_shape just gets a shape and then main does the actual recoloring, while recolor_shapes does it itself.

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