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Hey guys,

I am currently using subprocess module to open programs and stuff like that...

What I want to know is; if in case I want to open Windows' Sound Recorder, how do I start the recording action? Like: of the program)

-will only open the Sound Recorder, but how do I make it to start recording?

Eagerly waiting for a reply,

If Sound Recorder has a command-line option, then you can send the arguments along to start it etc.

open the Sound Recorder, but how do I make it to start recording?

That's not the kind of thing that subprocess was intended for. That kind of behavior is more akin to win32 hooks.

Subprocess can manipulate std input but not buttons on a GUI. As sneekula said, if the windows sound recorder can be fully utilized through command line processes then you'll be good to go, otherwise you'll need to figure out if that program has any win32 handles to work with.

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