My application has to include a live chat tool, anyone can help me with C# code, to make a live chat functional.

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I'm starting from scratch, i have'nt done anything so far, but i want my live chat to read to XML if its posible. And aslo i need to know what tools im gonna need if any like the Ajax toolkit

if you want to develop in in c# and window forms, You need to develop one server and client. you can use XML as communication mechanism between client and server.

Just open a socket and start listening on it , your client connects to the socket and sends data to server.

Im using C# and ASP forms, but still the problem is not solved as i told you, im not even clear about which tools to use, and the code as well.

First thing you have to decide is whether you want to make it web based like gmail one or desktop based like communication or net meeting.

Its must be web based live chat driven by a server

Then you need to learn javaScript, Ajax, Comet.
you should also need one server side scripting language like PHP,ASP or JSP.

First thing you have to decide is whether you want to make it web based like gmail one or desktop based like communication or net meeting.

hello..i've to develop a live chat system where one user will be on a website and the other user will have a desktop based application. can u help in getting started?
thnks in advance

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