Forgive me Admin. Now that I got your attention. I just wanted to say
one thing. PLEASE put meaningful titles on your thread. No, Help,
Urgent!!, I HATE C++, or even worse "UNTITLED". Instead, put titles,
like help creating a recursive add function, or help I don't understand
this homework problem, or even something more descriptive. Note that
this is in the forum rules, but I guess not many bother to read them.

Thank you,


This has already been said in the sticky thread posted by Narue, what makes you think anybody will read this?

Huh, cool game, made me look, grrrrrrrr!
There's nothing here!

Fool me once, shame on you, fool me twice shame on me!

This has already been said in the sticky thread posted by Narue, what makes you think anybody will read this?

Because a title named Cool New Game must See!! is more
catching than Thread Rules or something similar.

commented: You're exactly doing the same as all others by opening this thread and giving it a not-meaningful title, so I wouldn't complain to much about it. -4

Because a title named Cool New Game must See!! is more
catching than Thread Rules or something similar.

Perhaps, but once people stop posting in this thread, it will scroll down and go on to page two, and never be seen again (by most people). So unless this turns into a sticky thread (which I doubt), this thread wont have much use, after all, most people don't even read the rules and jump straight to trying to find an answer.

I can revive it once a while.

commented: Will you revive it until you are banned for intentionally breaking the rules? -1

>I can revive it once a while.
I doubt it.

commented: :) nice. +24
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