I want to update my database( using a file from my root folder )
every hour even when my web page /form is not opened
in the browser....

Please help
Thank u

Are you talking about a server-side update of the database or a client-side refresh of the page when it has been sitting idle for an hour?

Are you talking about a server-side update of the database or a client-side refresh of the page when it has been sitting idle for an hour?

I want it on the server side
even when i dont open a browser i want that update to happen every hour
i have a file on my server, i get new files every hour
i want to update my database with those files

thank u
please help

You need to write a service. You don't have a reliable mechanism to fire code off inside of the web application.

Request a web using methods of WebClient (System.Net namespace) or create web service.


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