Hi Guys,
This might be simple and It might not include a programming job. What I wish to do is to access my files in my office at home. Can anybody teach me how to make this wish come into reality?. I want to know the things I need to set up in my home computer and also to my office computer. My office computer is connected to our server and assuming I have the rights and previlages. Please help.


Member Avatar for nicentral

This should be posted in the Networking forum, but do a search on the threads first. A LOT of people have asked this before.


This should be posted in the Networking forum, but do a search on the threads first. A LOT of people have asked this before.


yeah i am already thinking about that but it's too late i already posted. now is it possible then to move this thread to networking instead of re-creating one? Maybe Ms. Dani could help me.... thanks.


The question is, do you want to build an app that does it for yourself, or do you want to find an app that already exists to use for yourself? That would also clear up where this belongs in the threads too.

The question is, do you want to build an app that does it for yourself, or do you want to find an app that already exists to use for yourself? That would also clear up where this belongs in the threads too.

What i really want is just to have a connection where i can access like read, write, delete etc. Now if I have this connection access I can either build an application or find an application or any files in my office computer. Hope it make sense. Thank you...


Why don't you install userv, or some other form of a window FTP server? Then you can FTP in from work, and access the files on your home PC in an FTP manner.

Why don't you install userv, or some other form of a window FTP server? Then you can FTP in from work, and access the files on your home PC in an FTP manner.

It could be one option and thanks for the suggestion. Is it possible to use my internet connection? You know there are things flying on my mind which I really don't know if it works or not. I need more advice.....


I'm not sure what you mean about 'my internet connection', but I'm sure if you stay online all the time (like dsl, or cable) then you could run userv ftp server, and connect to the computer that way. If you are into writing your own programs for such things, you could code a quasi-server that accepts a username and password, and gives you, say, and web browser interface to your files and folders.... just a thought. For simplicity sake, I'd get the ftp server ;)

I'm not sure what you mean about 'my internet connection', but I'm sure if you stay online all the time (like dsl, or cable) then you could run userv ftp server, and connect to the computer that way. If you are into writing your own programs for such things, you could code a quasi-server that accepts a username and password, and gives you, say, and web browser interface to your files and folders.... just a thought. For simplicity sake, I'd get the ftp server ;)

a hah! you have a point there.. yeah i am taking notes to all the ideas that will come accross. and yeah i need more......


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