in Vista, cTurtle worked like a charm, but in Ubuntu, when i downloaded the cTurtle to my desktop and moved it to site-packages, it still won't work.

When i clicked on the downloaded file, what i get is a text file with chinese characters, and it closes within a second.

Help would be great appriciated.

Forget cTurtle and use the regular module turtle that comes with Python. Also, I think cTurtle is written with Python3 in mind and is not well tested.

Forget cTurtle and use the regular module turtle that comes with Python. Also, I think cTurtle is written with Python3 in mind and is not well tested.

It's for my MCS class textbook. i won't be able to do the exercises in the book if i don't have cTurtle.

Where is the cTurtle website? Do they have a .tar.gz source distribution? If they do try downloading, untarring and running python install . Also, make sure that you are running the correct version of python for the version of cTurtle that your are trying to use.

Where is the cTurtle website? Do they have a .tar.gz source distribution? If they do try downloading, untarring and running python install . Also, make sure that you are running the correct version of python for the version of cTurtle that your are trying to use.

I'm running it for 2.5 and 2.6. There is a version of cTurtle for the python3 as well. I did not mix it up, i'm sure.

The web site is:

on the top there is a python3 version. on the bottom, there is the 2.5/6 version.

Works fine on my Ubuntu machine. I copied the Python25/26 source from the webpage and saved it as in my working directory. The module has a number of demos built in that look great and work well. I used the IDLE IDE, my normal IDE DrPython bitched about a foreign character somewhere and went on strike as usual.

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