How to create a program that will accept 5 unique numbers.
If you enter negative no. It will sink, and if you enter same no. The program will not accept it and delete it automatically.

Thanx.. Asap

Open up your c++ implementation program and start typing.
But seriously, show some effort and we'll be glad to help. Post your code and questions about the code.

You show no effort == We show no effort.
Give us your current attempt, and a specific problem, then we'll help.

int numbers[5];

for(int i=0; (i<5); i++)
    cout << "Please enter number: " << i << endl;
    cin >> numbers[i];

There's a start :) Pay more attention in class (if this is for homework)

good luck

He doesn't even deserve that :icon_rolleyes:

True :) But how many times have I asked for help? Karma :P

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