I am trying to make a desktop application that can fetch live scores from web and save them to a database for offline view.
Also if you know any open source application that is capable of displaying scores by fecthing from web then please tell.

I dont know how to access scores of a match.
I have seen widgets that are capable of doing this by using a java script i think.

But i want to make a desktop application

First of all, you need to to decide the language u are going to use for the application.
And then if there is an API to allow your app to communicate with the web.
For example, check this c++ library: http://www.webtoolkit.eu/wt

All the best.

First of all, you need to to decide the language u are going to use for the application.
And then if there is an API to allow your app to communicate with the web.
For example, check this c++ library: http://www.webtoolkit.eu/wt

All the best.

We will be using C# or any other based on dot net framework. It will be easier for us.
What website supports its content to be displayed by application, if there is a website, does it give an api? if i want to make this application pluggable,

Take a look at libcurl. libcurl.NET Internet Client API.

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