how to display this using for loop ?

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thank you for helping.

restrictment commented: Asked 4 times for the same for-loop explanation +0

Well the top and the bottom are the same so you can just duplicate the
top at the end, and the middle two are the same. I see no reason to
use for loops for this.

how to display this using for loop ?

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thank you for helping.

Code tags. We don't know what you're trying to do without them:

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And we can't tell here either. Do it in a word processor with Courier font, then copy and paste with code tags. Oh, and show some effort too. We're not going to do this for you.

Sampson, this is your fourth thread asking, "How do I do <insert name> in a for loop?" within just 2 days...

I am beginning to think that you are doing this just for attention, as I cannot imagine a class that would just randomly assign 'for-loop' problems of such random increments in just two days on a weekend.

Please stop spamming these for-loop threads..

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