I want to draw a battery meter. For this I am painting my panel with Filled Rectangles using AWT Graphics class. Is it possible that I can add a tooltip so that whenver a mouse is pointed on the top of the rectangle a text is displayed(which will be the value of the battery)?


You can add a mouse listener to your panel and use setToolTip() method for your Panel, like this:

// in JPanel constructor
// ...
   addMouseListener(new MouseAdapter() {	          	    	 
       public void mouseEntered(MouseEvent me){
// ... constructor ends 
  // ... 
// private method
  private void mouseEnteredHandler(MouseEvent me) {	
		this.setToolTipText("value of the battery");

of course you could update the tooltip text when the value of the battery is changed and remove the mouse listener ... and many other ways ... maybe :)

... if your panel is bigger then the size of your rectangles, you might need to find another component to add the tooltip

read more about using tooltips here


You can add a mouse listener to your panel and use setToolTip() method for your Panel, like this:

// in JPanel constructor
// ...
   addMouseListener(new MouseAdapter() {	          	    	 
       public void mouseEntered(MouseEvent me){
// ... constructor ends 
  // ... 
// private method
  private void mouseEnteredHandler(MouseEvent me) {	
		this.setToolTipText("value of the battery");

of course you could update the tooltip text when the value of the battery is changed and remove the mouse listener ... and many other ways ... maybe :)

... if your panel is bigger then the size of your rectangles, you might need to find another component to add the tooltip

read more about using tooltips here

Thanks for a valuable suggestion. But as you said my panel is bigger than my rectangle. The panel contains so many other components. I only need that it should show the tooltip only when I enter the mouse on top of that rectangle. What other component can I use? Please suggest something. A component on which I can paint a rectangle. Then add tooltip to it at then place it at a specific location on a panel,i.e. using null Layout manager.

Another Panel with the size of the battery ?

and by Panel I mean JPanel, because the component on witch you place the tooltip must be a swing component not awt.

Another Panel with the size of the battery ?

and by Panel I mean JPanel, because the component on witch you place the tooltip must be a swing component not awt.

Well that worked. But now I have a diff problem due to this. I am having different panels below my battery panel(inseterted into tabs). So when I dont make those panels visible my tooltip shows.But when I make them visible there is no tooltip. Is it becuase of overlapping panels. I have tried setting opaque property of other panels as false but still tooltip doesnt show

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