I am new to this site.
Can you please help me with this. I have written a C program and i m getting the following errors
1) " 'puts' was not declared in scope "
the same error for 'gets' and 'itoa' command...i have included stdio.h,string.h,stdlib.h,math.h as the header files
2)" expected constructor , destructor or type conversion before '=' token " ......for the code k=1.92 ....i have declared 'k' as a float
3) expected ',' before '}' token

kindly clear my queries
Thank you,

Can you post the code for your program? That would really help.

Can you post the code for your program? That would really help.

It works on my machine. Can you post you code and describe you development environment.

Here is what I did.

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>

void f() {
	float k = 1.92;
	int i = atoi("100");

Compiler output complains a little because of unused variables.


Maybe you need to compile in c++.

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