I was planning on releasing the source of my applet but I wanted to wait till i was done to do that. It got decompiled before i was ready. Is there any practical way to prevent decompiling? i googled and all the articals said how easy it is to decompile class files.



It doesn't stop the "decompiling" or reverse engineering... But it does make it a little harder to follow.



It doesn't stop the "decompiling" or reverse engineering... But it does make it a little harder to follow.


One quick follow up question. i will check the site out, but does this tool make the class file harder to load in browswers at all? i'm allready having reports ( usually mac users) of not being able to load my applet.

One quick follow up question. i will check the site out, but does this tool make the class file harder to load in browswers at all? i'm allready having reports ( usually mac users) of not being able to load my applet.

apparently hiding code is a full time job with dozens of methods to choose from. something to keep in mind, i think i'm just goign to open source this project. the page answers my question

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