My teacher issued an assignment for us to implement a stack and node class based off of his header files, and then to code a postfix expression calculator using the stack and node classes that we implement. When I tried to generate an instance of my stack class, VS threw me a linker error, citing "scalar deleting destructor". I tried commenting out the contents of one/both of my destructors, but the error persists. Can anyone give me a hand?


template < class T>

	class node
	    T info;			//member to store the data of the node

	    node<T>* next;	//member to hold pointer to next node

	    node();			//default constructor

	    node(T);		//constructor with 1 parameter for data

	    ~node();		//destructor


#include "Node.h"

//default constructor
template <class T>
node<T>::node () :
info (new T),
next (NULL)

//constructor with 1 parameter for data
template <class T>
node<T>::node (T data)
	info = new T data;
	next = NULL;

// destructor
template <class T>
{ delete info; }


#include "Node.h"

template < class T>

	class Stack{

	    node<T>  * top;	//pointer to the top node on the stack

		int count;		// keep track the number of items on stack

		Stack(void);  //the "constructor"

		~Stack(); //class destructor - free up used memory

	    void push(T a);  // add (push)  the given item a onto the stack

	    T pop(void);    // returns and removes the top item on the stack
	    T peek(void);    // returns the top item without removing it from stack

		bool isEmpty() const; //return true if the stack has no elements

		int get_count(); // returns the count of  nodes in the stack


#include "Stack.h"

//default constructor
template <class T>
	top = 0;
	count = 0;

//accessor for the count member
template <class T>
int Stack<T>::get_count ()
{ return count; }

//method to determine if the list is empty
template <class T>
bool Stack<T>::isEmpty () const
	if (count == 0)
		return true;
		return false;

// destructor
template <class T>
	while (!isEmpty())

//method to pop off the top item of the list,
//returning its value and removing it from the list
template <class T>
T Stack<T>::pop ()
	if (isEmpty())
		throw Underflow();				//if the stack is empty, throw underflow

	node<T> *topHolder = top;			//hold the top node in a pointer
	top = top->next;					//set the top to the next node in the stack
	T storedValue = topHolder->info;	//store the value of the old top node
	delete topHolder;					//delete the old top node
	--count;							//decrement the number of nodes in the stack

	return storedValue;					//return the value of the node that was popped

//method to return the data of the top node without
//removing it from the list
template <class T>
T Stack<T>::peek ()
	if (isEmpty())
		throw Underflow();				//if the stack is empty, throw underflow

	return top->info;					//return the info stored in the top node

//method to push a new node onto the top of the list
template <class T>
void Stack<T>::push (T a)
	node newTop = new node(a);			//allocate and construct the new node for the top of the stack
	if (!isEmpty()) = top->next;		//set the next member of the new node to the current top node on the stack

	top = *newTop;						//set the top member of the stack to a pointer to the newTop

	++count;							//increment the number of nodes in the stack

Any help at all would be appreciated!

For templates the declaration and implementation must be kept in the same header file (see only a few compilers can handle the export keyword to make this possible and I don't believe VC++ is one of them.

Thank you jonsca! I got it working now!

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