Hi friends...
I have a series of points which are actually the points that form a circle... Can anyone help me how to get the circle image when i load these points as input... A simple code example will be helpful...
Thanks in advance....

Do you just want to draw all points that you have ? Connect them by a line ? Or determine the actual circle ?

Actually am expecting that only...That would be great if u get me..When the points are connected it may not be a circle but some random closed figure...

TCanvas has several drawing options, like MoveTo() and LineTo() that you can use.

Is there any example program of similar kind so that i get to know how to use Tcanvas or TBitmap etc....

Thank You very much... I appreciate your help ... It has been very helpful at this moment..

hey can you send me command that will display the co-ordinate points on the Tcanvas...

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