
I am new in assembly and i nave some problems.
I am working on some project for school i should read text from .txt file. The problem is that i don't now how to get the number of chars contained in .txt file that i need to store in CX register.

;Oren .txt file
	mov ah,3dh
	mov al,00h
	lea dx,NameOfFile ;(for example test.txt)
	int 021h
	mov bx, ax
;Hire i should store in cx numbers of chars to read from opened file but because it is not same for all .txt files i am reading from i get stacked 

;read from .txt file
        mov cx,??????
	mov ah,3fh
	lea dx,TextArray
	int 021h

I hope you get my point, and sorry for my lame English.

Thanks in advance

You could get the size of the text file using 21/42, that is,
the LSEEK function.

MOV BX, filehandle
MOV AL, 2 ; Move from end of file
MOV AH, 42h
INT 21h
; a.e. DX:AX contains length of file

To have a 32-bit counter use:

sub word [lowword], 1
sbb word [highword], 0
; I think this is the right way to do it

Or if your TXT file is at most 65,535 bytes, do this:

mov cx, 0ffffh ; read in 64KB, will stop at end of file
mov dx, buffer
mov bx, filehandle
mov ah, 3fh
int 21h

Hi i obviously didn't get point of earlier posted code :(
this is what i ned to do:

I want to write for example "Hello World", from keyboard.
and press ENTER key for end.
Then i will write this chars into .txt file and at the end i will read thous shars from same .txt file and print them on scrin.

.model small, c

; Stak segment

stack_seg SEGMENT stack

	DB 100 DUP(?)

stack_seg ENDS

; Data segment

data_seg SEGMENT USE16 'DATA'
	Msg1 db 0ah,0dh,0ah,0dh,"*******************Write Some Text*******************$"
	reader db 1024 dup(?)
	datText db 1024 dup(?)
        filename	db "dat.txt", 0h

data_seg ENDS

; CODE segment

code_seg SEGMENT USE16 'CODE'
ASSUME cs:code_seg, ds:data_seg

	mov ax, data_seg
	mov ds, ax	
	mov ax,0
	mov cx,0

main PROC
;Write on scrin TITLE
	lea dx,Msg1
	mov ah,09h
	int 021h
;New Line
	mov ah,02h
	mov dl,0ah
	int 021h
	mov ah,02h
	mov dl,0dh
	int 021h

         lea si,reader
         mov cx,0
	mov ah,08h
	int 021h
        cmp al,0dh
	je exit; if user press ENTER key exit 
	mov [si],al
	inc si
	inc cx
	jmp Here
        mov di,cx; counter

        mov ah, 03ch				
	mov cx, 0	
	lea dx, filename
	int 21h

	mov ah, 03Dh
	mov al, 01h ; 
	lea dx, filename
	int 21h

	mov bx, ax	; file-handle
	mov cx,di
	; WRITE in .txt file
	mov ah, 040h	
	lea dx, reader
	int 21h			
	; Close .txt file
	mov ah, 03eh
	int 21h

;Open .txt file
	mov ah,3dh
	mov al,02h
	lea dx,filename
	int 021h
MOV CX,??????

         mov ah,3fh
	lea dx,datText 
	int 021h

	lea si,datText
        ;Here i ned to now count of chars readed from .txt file and mov that number in CX reg (in this case 11 from "Hello world") for example
         cmp CX,0
         je endX
	 mov ah,02h
	 mov dl,[si]
	 int 021h
         inc si
	 dec CX
         jmp print

;Close .txt file
	mov ah, 03eh
	int 21h

mov ax, 04c00h
int 021h
main ENDP
code_seg ENDS

END start

Thanks in advance

Function 21/3F returns with zero in AX when end-of-file is reached.
If you read in one byte at a time from the file, you can count the
number of bytes you've read in.
Here's an example:

mov cx, 1
mov dx, offset byte_buf
mov bx, [file_handle]
mov ah, 3fh
int 21h
cmp ax, 0
jz done_reading
inc word [len]

Or if you place 65,535 in CX and the file is less in size or equal AX will return
with the number of bytes actually read by 21/3F

mov dx, offset buf
mov bx, [file_handle]
mov cx, 0ffffh
mov ah, 3fh
int 21h
; AX will contain (a.e.) the number of bytes actually read

Also note that 21/3C Create File With Handle returns a file-handle in AX,
and that if the file already exists 21/3C will truncate the file to
zero bytes. Both 21/3D and 21/3C return with CF set on error.

mov ah, 3ch
mov cx, 0 ; attributes
mov dx, offset asciz_name
int 21h
jc err_handler ; CF set on error
mov [file_handle], ax
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