i want the following jsp code to be converted in c#... cud anyone help me...

ResultSet resultset, resultset1;
            String localityid,villageid;
            Connection connection= DriverManager.getConnection("jdbc:odbc:rmcwhDSN");
            Statement statement= connection.createStatement();
            String familyid = request.getParameter("familyid"); 
            String tempSQL = "select * from HOUSEHOLDMEMBERS where FamilyId='"+familyid+"'";
            String tempMemberid="";
            String tempNum="";
            tempMemberid = resultset.getString("MemberId"); 
            int count1 = tempMemberid.length();
           // out.println(count1);
            //if(countl >2 ) {
                String memnum = tempMemberid.substring(count1-2);
                int memno = (new Integer(memnum)).intValue();
                //out.println ("Last member sq. number " + memno);                           
                String seqNo = Integer.toString(memno);
               // out.println ("Last member sq. number " + seqNo);                           
                if(memno < 10) {
                    tempMemberid = familyid.concat("0").concat(seqNo);
                    tempMemberid = familyid.concat(seqNo);

i have tried but getting sum errors.............

protected void TextBox1_TextChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)

        ResultSet resultset, resultset1;
        String localityid, villageid;
            SqlConnection conn = new SqlConnection(@"Data Source=RICKY-PC\SQLEXPRESS;Initial Catalog=rmcwh;Integrated Security=True");
            SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand();
         //   cmd.Connection = conn;


            String familyid = Request.QueryString["familyid"];
            String tempSQL = "select * from HOUSEHOLDMEMBERS where FamilyId='" + familyid + "'";
            SqlCommand comm = new SqlCommand(tempSQL, conn);


            String tempMemberid = "";
            String tempNum = "";
            while (resultset.next())
                tempMemberid = resultset.getString("MemberId");
            int count1;
            count1 = tempMemberid.Length;
            // out.println(count1);
            //if(countl >2 ) {
            String memnum = tempMemberid.Substring(count1 - 2);
            int memno = (new Integer(memnum)).intValue();
            //out.println ("Last member sq. number " + memno);                           
            String seqNo = Integer.toString(memno);
            // out.println ("Last member sq. number " + seqNo);                           
            if (memno < 10)
                 tempMemberid = familyid.concat("0").concat(seqNo);
                tempMemberid = familyid.concat(seqNo);
            // }    
            //tempMemberid = familyid.concat(count2);%>


Please use CODE tags.

protected void TextBox1_TextChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
        SqlConnection conn = new SqlConnection(@"Data Source=RICKY-PC\SQLEXPRESS;Initial Catalog=rmcwh;Integrated Security=True");

        //     ResultSet resultset, resultset1;

        String localityid, villageid;
        String familyid = Request.QueryString["familyid"];

        String tempSQL = "select * from HOUSEHOLDMEMBERS where FamilyId='" + familyid + "'";  //out.println(tempSQL);

        SqlCommand comm = new SqlCommand(tempSQL, conn);
        SqlDataReader r = comm.ExecuteReader();


        String tempMemberid = "";
        String tempNum = "";
           while (r.Read())
            tempMemberid = r.GetString("MemberId");
/* getting error here ----	Argument '1': cannot convert from 'string' to 'int'	* .... rest of the code is fine.../

        int count1;
        count1 = tempMemberid.Length;  // out.println(count1);


        String memnum = tempMemberid.Substring(count1 - 2);
        int memno = Convert.ToInt32(memnum);

        String seqNo = memno.ToString();
        if (memno < 10)
            tempMemberid = string.Concat(familyid, 0,seqNo);
            tempMemberid = string.Concat(familyid, seqNo);

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